Longtime Republican and Former Trump FBI Director James Comey Urges Americans to Vote Democrat
Photo by Carsten Koall/ Getty
On Tuesday, Former FBI Director James Comey urged all Americans to vote Democrat in November, arguing that the Republican Congress is not “fulfilling the Founders’ design.”
This Republican Congress has proven incapable of fulfilling the Founders’ design that “Ambition must … counteract ambition.” All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now. History has its eyes on us.
— James Comey (@Comey) July 18, 2018
Comey is a longtime dedicated Republican and previously served in the Trump administration. However, after leading the investigation into Russian collusion with Trump campaign members, he was coincidentally fired. This decision made Trump the second U.S. president in history to fire his FBI director.
Since his dismissal, Comey has criticized the president’s recent controversial decisions, such as stealing migrant children from their parents and locking them in cages. On Monday, Comey was quick to criticize Trump’s trainwreck of a press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland.
This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country. Patriots need to stand up and reject the behavior of this president.
— James Comey (@Comey) July 16, 2018
Comey’s comments follow Trump’s controversial press conference, in which he said, “They [U.S. intelligence officials] said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it’s not Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Also on Monday, Trump proceeded to blame Americans for the U.S.’s tense relations with Russia and attack special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the investigation. Politicians and prominent news reporters from both sides of the aisle criticized Trump’s comments. On Tuesday, Trump attempted to backpedal on his statements, claiming that he misspoke and meant to say “I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be.” Sure.
Comey, a registered Republican until 2016, has lost hope in the party and Trump’s recent actions have only solidified his decision. In an interview with ABC Comey said, “The Republican Party has left me and many others. I need no better evidence than their new website—which I think is ‘Lyin Comey,’ maybe?—attacking me. I just think they’ve lost their way, and I can’t be associated with it.” He went on to add, “I see the Republican Party, as near as I can tell, reflects now entirely Donald Trump’s values. It doesn’t reflect values at all. It’s transactional, it’s ego-driven, it’s in service to his ego.”