Joe Arpaio Could Definitely Get Behind Being Pardoned By Trump
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty
As former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio gets closer and closer to spending up to six months in jail, he’s softened a little bit. Not necessarily on the racial profiling practices that got him convicted last month, but on his willingness to accept a presidential pardon for his crimes. Speaking to The Arizona Republic, Arpaio stated that, “Whatever the president wants me to do, I would support him. If he needs help with anything, of course I’m going to help him.”
Arguably, Trump needs help with everything, but it’s unclear whether Trump is even aware of this generous offer. There’s been no mention of Arpaio’s case since Trump entered—and then left repeatedly—the White House. But Arpaio doesn’t want to be pushy, telling the paper that, “I’m not going to ask him. I’m very careful. I don’t go around bragging.”
We wouldn’t go around bragging about being convicted of racial profiling either. Or all the other terrible shit he’s done. Good move.