Joe Biden Isn’t Dead, Just Figuring Out His New Makeshift Home Studio to Boost TV Presence

Joe Biden Isn’t Dead, Just Figuring Out His New Makeshift Home Studio to Boost TV Presence

While Donald Trump has been addressing the public through daily televised press briefings, Joe Biden, the projected Democratic nominee, is scrambling to set up a makeshift home studio in order to address public concerns over his insight when it comes to taming coronavirus fears.

“They put a new high-speed line in my home. They’ve converted a recreation room, basically, into a television studio,” Biden said to a donor during a “virtual” fundraiser on Sunday. “I guess tomorrow, I’m making the first presentation at 11:30 AM thereabouts Eastern standard time. And I am going to speak to these issues.”

Democrats have been insisting that Biden show qualities of leadership during this tumultuous time, during which many Democratic voters are wondering where their candidate has been amid all of the chaos. Conversely, Trump has the benefit of perceived action and leadership due to his constant commentary on the coronavirus pandemic, which in turn is covered widely in the media.

In fact, Biden has been so seemingly absent that the #whereisjoebiden has been trending on Twitter, with questions from the left and the right quickly descending into rumors about Biden having coronavirus or being prepped for a Weekend at Bernie’s-esque press briefing. More realistically, Biden is simply failing his constituency by not showing up.

Well, Biden did technically show up to an influencer’s Instagram DJ live stream, dropping a thumbs up emoji when everyone on Twitter was desperate to know if he was alive or not.

Yet another prominent Democratic candidate for president, Bernie Sanders, has been holding daily livestreams featuring insight from medical experts, politicians and labor experts in order to hold a dialogue with his supporters about his plan for combating coronavirus, which includes a $2,000 monthly payment for all Americans until the crisis is over.

Although the Biden campaign has not clearly stated the frequency or details on Biden’s briefings through his makeshift home studio, Biden says to expect frequent messages from him.

“I want to be in daily or at least significant contact with the American people and communicate what I think we should be doing and how we should be doing it,” Biden told reporters on Friday.

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