Kamala Harris Will Soon Make a Final Decision on Her 2020 Presidential Bid
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty
In an interview with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski at the Know Your Value conference in San Francisco, Kamala Harris said she’ll soon have an official decision on whether she’ll pursue a bid for the presidency in 2020, per Newsweek, noting that she’s planning to discuss the idea with family and have an answer after the holidays. Harris, of course, is a widely known Senator from California who’s well-disputed on the left. On the surface, she supports many of the ideals that have become synonymous with Democratic beliefs; she’s been outspoken and aggressive towards Trump’s immigration plans, as well as during the Kavanaugh hearing.
Looking closer though, Democratic voters should hope Harris opts out of a 2020 run. Those loud liberal acts are a veneer for toxic establishment motives.
Take a look at Harris’ involvement in Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial race. After midterms, Abrams sent out the call for donations. Her campaign needed funds to push for a run-off and topple the blatantly corrupt Brian Kemp. Harris gave Abrams what appeared to be a signal boost on social media, asking that her followers donate to the hopeful governor’s cause. The fine print revealed Harris was skimming half the contributions to her own campaign. Instead of helping Abrams out, she was siphoning, using the situation to her own advantage.
That’s not the only issue she’s had with money. When it comes to lobbyists, Harris is tied to big pharmaceuticals, Wall Street, health care companies and telecommunication giants. In 2016, she garnered $135,613 from lobbyists and she’s got a record for being kind to those who write her paychecks. Notably with health care, a huge issue on the left, Harris took serious coercion before flipping to a progressive stance.
When Harris served as Attorney General of California, she showed how easily she can be bought. Steven Mnuchin’s OneWest Bank faced foreclosure violations in 2013 and Harris’ prosecutors encouraged her to file a civil enforcement action over evidence of “widespread misconduct” they found, yet she refused to take action. It would turn out that Mnuchin was a donor of Harris’. The last thing we need is another leader who picks personal gain over justice.
Based on her recent visits to Iowa and South Carolina, though, it looks like Harris is leaning towards a 2020 campaign. If Democrats are divided on their presidential candidate again, and for the same reasons they were in 2016, things won’t turn out well. Based on this news, we’ll find out soon enough what Harris’ plan is. Her history in mind, it’s hard to trust her to look out for anyone but herself. Yet there’s one indisputable fact in her MSNBC interview.
“Let’s be honest,” says Sen. Harris. “It’s going to be ugly.”