This Woman May Have Just Scammed #MAGA Republicans Out of $150,000 By Pretending to Be One of Them

This Woman May Have Just Scammed #MAGA Republicans Out of $150,000 By Pretending to Be One of Them

I want to start by showing you a series of tweets from user chckpeas regarding her political beliefs, and the personal fallout she experienced as a result:

Tweet One:

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Tweet Two:

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Based on the title of this post, you know where this is headed: This woman is not a Republican, and her two tweets were a ploy to get donations from Trump supporters. A brilliant ploy, in its way—#MAGA Americans are endlessly eager to prove they’re not racist, and any time a minority supporter comes out of the woodwork that person gets treated like royalty. Token royalty, but royalty nonetheless. As far as scams go, user chckpeas had a good one. She even included some fake angry texts from her mom denying her a place to live:

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And it worked. The Trump supporters of Online were unable to resist the narrative: Black woman who supported Trump, and got cut off from her family and community as a result. Someone eventually figured it out, of course:

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But it was far too late. As Alex Bruce-Smith noted, the GoFundMe was removed, but not before $150,000 had been pledged, and chckpeas wrote, “hot take: stealing from republicans isn’t bad republicans arent ppl”:

RawStory has more, but it’s unclear how much of this money she was actually able to keep. (Or if she’s facing any legal punishment, which is entirely possible.) We’ve reached out to her for more information, and will update if we figure out new details from her or anyone else. In the meantime, we have this:

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