Michael Bloomberg Intends to Help America Hit Paris Accords Standards As “If It Had Stayed Committed”

Michael Bloomberg Intends to Help America Hit Paris Accords Standards As “If It Had Stayed Committed”

Surprisingly, not everybody is on board with Trump’s decision to leave the Paris climate control accords. While Mike Pence may be having a tough time understanding what’s going on and even what climate change is, others across America are really beginning to step up. As even the Weather Channel goes rogue to resist Trump, Michael Bloomberg intends to make it like Trump never happened, something we often dream about ourselves.

Staring with a $15 million donation to the United Nations to make up for the United States’ abrupt withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement, Michael Bloomberg is gathering business leaders and politicians who told the N.Y. Times they plan to “do everything America would have done if it had stayed committed.”

Bloomberg explained in a letter to the U.N.:

While the executive branch of the U.S. government speaks on behalf of our nation in matters of foreign affairs, it does not determine many aspects of whether and how the United States takes action on climate change. The bulk of the decisions which drive U.S. climate action in the aggregate are made by cities, states, businesses and civil society. Collectively, these actors remain committed to the Paris accord.

What’s great about this is that it’s absolutely true. Trump can’t stop American businesses and politicians from enacting the Paris accord on their own. If enough people hop on board—and it certainly looks like it’s possible—it may not matter what Trump says or does internationally. We may be able to do this without the president. Thank goodness.

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