Cohen’s Lawyer: “Michael Has Turned [On Trump]”
Photo by Yana Paskova/Getty![Cohen’s Lawyer: “Michael Has Turned [On Trump]”](
Last night, Lanny Davis, Michael Cohen’s lawyer, released a tape to CNN. It was a private conversation between Michael Cohen and Donald Trump in 2016 about a payment made to Karen McDougal, a former Playboy Playmate whom Trump had an affair with.
Full audio: Presidential candidate Trump is heard on tape discussing with his attorney Michael Cohen how they would buy the rights to a Playboy model’s story about an alleged affair Trump had with her years earlier, according to the audio recording “
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) July 25, 2018
According to Davis, this is just the beginning. Per Axios:
Davis, a damage-control maestro going back to the Clinton administration, told me: “Michael Cohen has made a turn. This is on the record — Michael and I talked about it.”
“Michael is going to tell the truth to the powers that be, and let the chips fall where they may.”
This line is straight out of a movie:
Davis said that the tape’s release sends the message: “I am no longer the previous Michael Cohen that you knew — taking a bullet for Donald Trump, saying anything to defend him, being a good soldier. … That is over.”
Luckily for President Trump, he has one of the finest legal minds alive to help bail him out of a tough…sorry, folks. I can’t keep up the shtick any longer. Of course Giuliani made this situation worse.
Rudy: Believe me there were three other versions of this tape that were even worse.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) July 25, 2018
Get your popcorn ready. The “lawyer” who cleaned up all of Trump’s messes is speaking out. And if you’re wondering if this may have anything to do with the Mueller investigation (remember, Cohen’s case was farmed out to the Southern District of New York), well, maybe. This little bit of news slipped under the radar last week.
“Breaking news: NBC News has confirmed that Manhattan madame Kristen Davis is being subpoenaed by special counselor Robert Mueller… Davis just told NBC news, someone in Mueller’s office called her lawyer yesterday to ask if she would accept a subpoena…” –
— Deadline White House (@DeadlineWH) July 20, 2018
So the man in charge of making Trump’s dalliances with various women go away is now releasing secret recordings with Trump about said dalliances while Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the woman running a whore house frequented by famous politicians like former New York governor Elliot Spitzer, and longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone. This is about to get real cringey, folks.
Jacob Weindling is a staff writer for Paste politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.