Morrissey On Presidential Frontrunners: “Trump is George Wallace, Clinton is Pooled Money”

The singer also managed to call Prince William and Kate "mentally stunted," and suggested that Princess Diana was killed on purpose.

Considering his persistent, decades-long criticism of establishment and authority figures—including the British Royal Family, Margaret Thatcher and police generally—it is no surprise that singer, animal rights activist and all-around firebrand Morrissey has an affinity for Bernie Sanders’ populist campaign.

In an article titled “America is Black,” shared by Morrissey’s nephew on Facebook, the former Smiths frontman rails against Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Barack Obama and the mainstream media while lamenting the absence of black representation in American politics.

“Donald Trump,” he writes, “is George Wallace.” Hillary Clinton? “Pooled money.” November 8 is to be “a national day of mourning,” regardless of which candidate ends up winning what Noam Chomsky refers to as the quadrennial extravaganza. And who could argue with that assessment? Mourn we shall, particularly if faced with another eight years of Clintonism (right-leaning centrism designed primarily to enrich our corporate masters, at the expense of everyone else on the planet). A Trumpenstein victory would induce more panic than mourning—maybe even organized popular revolt, which is why more than a handful of progressives are excited by the otherwise dreadful prospect. But I digress.

Morrissey briefly addresses what has become perhaps the largest issue of this election cycle, namely campaign finance. Bernie Sanders, despite being “true” and “honest,” was never going to win because he “doesn’t have the necessary 1 billion dollar campaign at his fingertips.” Furthermore, he “resembles a human being,” which as we all know is one of the great political disqualifiers. Again I’ll cite Chomsky, who has given parallel commentary on Sanders: “He’s a decent, honest person. That’s pretty unusual in the political system. Maybe there are two of them in the world.” Hence, Sanders was bound for defeat.

There is also, of course, the corporate media, which was hell bent on burying Sanders from the beginning. “Despite his quite incredible initial success, he was not ever allowed CNN headlines,” Morrissey writes. “As he won an impressive collection of states, CNN would instead announce A LOSS FOR CLINTON…. By this we see how Sanders had always been willed to lose. We have been force-fed a Clinton win from the very start….”

The focus of Morrissey’s polemic shifts onto Obama, who he charges with doing “nothing to build black economic power.” Citing Ferguson, he argues that Obama has “made it clear that he does not defend black people”—a point made time and again by people on the left who see through Obama’s progressive veneer. Here it is always useful to quote national ditz Sarah Palin, who (smartly, in a totally unwitting way) asked Obama’s swindled supporters: “How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ out for ya?”

Morrissey then makes an interesting detour into British politics, writing, “In white-supremacist political Britain, London’s ‘Princess’ Diana (for she wasn’t ever seen in any other part of the country) was wiped-out because, if still alive, she would now have at least three brown children, and they – not the mentally stunted William and Kate, would be the faces of modern political London, and thus the anarchy of monarchy would feel its grip slip.”

We’ll leave it to you to decided whether he’s directly implying that the monarchy was responsible for Diana’s death, but there’s certainly an argument to be made.

Referencing Trump’s controversial immigration policies, Morrissey writes that “it’s illogical to create more laws against minorities on the basis that minorities statistically break the law more often than middle-class whites, because, after all, laws in America target blacks and Hispanics far more than they target whites.” And he makes a valid point when he criticizes “TV cop ‘reality’ dramas” that “only show the police chasing poor people (usually black), but never errant bankers or devious lawyers, or judges who applied the wrong sentence.”

At the day’s end, the candidates from both major political parties represent “a society that does not work for anyone who is not a billionaire,” Morrissey writes. His prescription: “What America needs for balance is something that it has never had: a black president.”

Until then, we can all sing along to this, substituting the applicable name for “Margaret.”

(Read Morrissey’s article in its entirety here.)

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