Brexit Leader Nigel Farage Deterred on Campaign Trail Due to the Sticky Sweetness of Milkshakes
Photos by Ian Forsyth/Getty
Days after being covered in the yummy goodness of a banana and salted caramel milkshake, Brexit’s own Nigel Farage was trapped on his campaign bus by milkshake-wielding protestors, per the Independent.
The pro-Brexit politician’s Newcastle rally turned into a bit of a mess after a protestor fired the creamy treat at Farage. Just having finished a speech, the Brexit leader was greeting supporters when the ice cream came flying. The milkshake seemed to taint the politician’s suit, and officers quickly took the protestor away. Though it seemed Farage was unharmed, we can’t be so sure about the suit and the stains from the banana and salted caramel mix that are sure to be a pain.
Now, just days later, it seems protestors had the same intention in Rochester, Kent. Dressed in hooded, black attire, three men were seen observing the Rochester rally. With the suggestion that the individuals were indeed holding some more milkshakes, Farage was advised to stay in his bus. And though Farage’s security were for sure on high guard, one can’t help but wonder: Were those milkshakes also banana and salted caramel flavored?
Despite the disturbance, Farage eventually did leave the safety of his bus and greeted some supporters—at least the ones near his bus or closest escape route.
Farage’s milkshake debacle isn’t the first instance of milk-infused protesting in the United Kingdom. Recently, Tommy Robinson, a former England Defence League leader, and Carl Benjamin, a Ukip candidate, have also been subjected to the literal coldness of what it seems is becoming the newest fad in British protesting tactics.