Oprah Announces She’s Not Running For President After All
Photo by Paul Drinkwater/Getty
According to an interview with InStyle Magazine, Oprah Winfrey has no interest in a U.S. presidential run.
After weeks of speculation following her inspirational speech at this year’s Golden Globes and stories that she was “intrigued” by a possible run, she told InStyle on Thursday she doesn’t “have the DNA for it.”
Winfrey said:
I’ve always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not. And so it’s not something that interests me. I don’t have the DNA for it. Gayle—who knows me as well as I know myself practically—has been calling me regularly and texting me things, like a woman in the airport saying, “When’s Oprah going to run?” So Gayle sends me these things, and then she’ll go, “I know, I know, I know! It wouldn’t be good for you—it would be good for everyone else.” I met with someone the other day who said that they would help me with a campaign. That’s not for me.
While a poll from NPR showed Winfrey beating Trump by 11 points in a hypothetical 2020 matchup, it’s probably for the best that Democrats don’t get behind a celebrity with no previous political experience, as it might set a dangerous political precedent.
It was also recently reported that former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry is interested in a 2020 run. Familiar faces like Kerry or former Vice President Joe Biden will also likely not bode well for the Democrats, as Kerry already tried and failed in his presidential bid, and it’s unlikely a figure like Biden would be able to unify the divisions in the party.
At the moment, leading Democratic candidates for a potential 2020 presidential run include New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, California Senator Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. All four potential candidates opposed the recent spending bill that eventually reopened the federal government.