Police Officer Found Guilty of Murdering Unarmed Teenager (Updated)
Photos by Pool/Getty
In a trial’s shocking result, CNN reports that ex-police officer Roy Oliver has been found guilty in the murder of teenager Jordan Edwards. A year ago, Edwards was in the backseat of a car on his way home from a party when “Oliver discharged multiple rounds from his patrol rifle as the vehicle drove past him, the arrest warrant said. One bullet struck Jordan, who was a passenger in the car,” per CNN. The 15-year-old was unarmed.
Edwards’ story is not uncommon, as we’re all aware. Oliver’s, however, is a story all its own. Police violence and the killing of African-Americans typically results in little more than paid leave and later, a quiet return for the guilty officer—but this is something entirely new.
According to the Dallas Morning News, Oliver faces up to life in prison.
Note: A previous version of this post erroneously stated that Oliver had been sentenced to death—we regret the error and have updated the above to reflect that he has not yet been sentenced.