Here’s How Conservatives Are Responding to the Arrest of a Pro-Trump Suspect in the Pipe Bomb Case

Here’s How Conservatives Are Responding to the Arrest of a Pro-Trump Suspect in the Pipe Bomb Case

Cesar Sayoc, age 56, was arrested today in connection with the pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and CNN. His van and his social media pages are covered head-to-toe in the fever dream that has become American conservatism.

Of course, conservatives have deflected from this reality they have helped to create which seemingly lead to the birth of a domestic terrorist. Many are still following Trump’s lead in implying this is a false flag operation.

Others are cleaning up past statements on social media that look incredibly foolish in the face of the available facts.

Some are immediately taking the “he was just crazy, Trump had nothing to do with it!” strategy:

Others have decided to treat it as one big joke, focusing on the details of the car.

Mike Huckabee, of course, somehow managed to be even less funny:

Finally, conservative comics idiot Scott Adams pronounced this a “win” for Trump:

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