Suspect Arrested In Connection With Pipe Bombs Targeting Trump Opponents

Cesar Sayoc is a 56-year-old registered Republican from Florida.

Suspect Arrested In Connection With Pipe Bombs Targeting Trump Opponents

Cesar Sayoc, 56, of Ft. Lauderdale Florida was arrested this morning in connection with the 12 (as of right now) pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and CNN. His van was taken away by the FBI this morning, and it is completely covered in pro-Trump stickers.

Other people have reached out to media organizations with pictures of a van that looks remarkably similar to the one taken away by the FBI today, although the back windows above have different decals than the one in this picture.

It also looks like we have identified Sayoc’s Twitter, and this was the last tweet he sent.

Trump has also done the opposite of what a president should do in this situation, and if anything, has emboldened more people like this with his comments so far.

He even seemed to suggest this morning shortly before Sayoc was arrested (calling into question whether he knew this was about to happen before he sent the tweet), that it was a false flag operation.

Like Paste’s Roger Sollenberger wrote today, some people—like Trump—clearly want political violence.

There is almost no doubt as to what this man’s political affiliation is, but we have not heard from the authorities how or if that relates to these bombings targeting high-profile Democrats and CNN. It sure looks like it is what it looks like, but until we get confirmation from investigators, we cannot go out on that limb yet (remember the Gabby Giffords shooting that looked clearly politically motivated on its face, and then it turned out that the attempted murderer said they felt personally scorned by Giffords and it was not about ideology). The Department of Justice has a press conference scheduled at 2:30 EST and we will update this post as more information becomes available.

Jacob Weindling is a staff writer for Paste politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.

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