Trump Launches “Real News” Program, Hosted By His Daughter-in-Law, On Facebook
Images via Facebook/Donald J. Trump
For those who been awaiting an alternative to all this “fake news mainstream media” out there, the Trump abides. Papa Donald has been using his official Facebook page to release new episodes of his “real news” show hosted by his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump. Although this has apparently been going on for a few weeks, most of us that don’t religiously follow Trump’s Facebook weren’t aware until Buzzfeed broke the news late last night.
And lest we think this is an incredibly niche program that nobody watches or takes seriously, Trump’s most recent video from four days ago already has over 2 million views, 46,000 likes and over 14,000 shares.
As one might expect for a state-run propaganda machine, the nearly 7,000 comments under these videos flip back and forth between those furious at Trump, and those espousing conspiracy theories and some downright nonsense.
Once again, Trump finds himself using every disposal at his means to undermine the role of media in our society, although a propaganda news program is surprisingly on the nose even for him.
How could this possibly go wrong?