13 Reasons Why The Modern GOP Has No Future in America
Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty
It’s no secret that millennials largely despise the Republican Party. We have lived entire lives watching people like Newt Gingrich, George W. Bush, and an army of unhinged talk radio define conservatism as reactionary, hyper-corporatist and racist, and we want none of it. Well, not all of us, the canary in the coal mine is that white millennials don’t really deviate much from their forefathers’ racist mindsets. The racial breakdown of these questions both indicates how strong a vice grip white supremacy still has on our generation, as well as the diversity of it. The reason why strong majorities of millennials reject the GOP is because non-white millennials almost unanimously disapprove of the Republican Party.
This may be why you’re seeing so many Republicans forgoing another term in Congress. We are the largest generation in history, and the writing is on the wall for America’s biggest cheerleader of white supremacy and corporate oligarchy—two issues that animate our generation as much as anything else. Unless they adapt or go full-draconian on restricting the right to vote (which is a real possibility that we should all take very seriously), this iteration of the GOP is dead. It has no future in this country. Here are 13 reasons why from a NBC News/GenForward survey of 1,844 adults aged 18 to 34, with the racial breakdown of each question included for additional context.
1. Only 19% Voted for Trump
2. 63% Disapprove of Trump’s Presidency
3. 62% Have an Unfavorable View of the GOP, Compared to 43% for the Dems
4. 72% Think the GOP Does Not Care About Them, with 53% Saying the Dems Do
5. Just 18% Plan to Vote for a House GOP Candidate, and 16% in the Senate
6. 63% Believe They Can Make a Difference By Participating in Politics
7. However, Our Idealism Does Not Translate to Actually Participating in Politics
8. A Plurality Says that Race Is the Biggest Source of Division in America
9. Shedding Light on the Voting Question, Millennials Are Split As to Whether It Makes a Difference
10. Just 17% Generally Identify as Republicans
11. Of the 30% Self-Described Independents in the Previous Question, Just 19% of Them Say They’re Closer to the GOP
12. Of the 17% Self-Described Republicans, Most Do Not Consider Themselves “Strong Republicans”
13. The Net Total of the Last Three Questions Gives Democrats a Majority and a +26 Advantage over the GOP
Jacob Weindling is a staff writer for Paste politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.