Robby Mook is Exactly Who We Thought He Was

Clinton campaign manager and vapid grinning doofus hack Robby Mook is teaming up with Corey Lewandowski—the female-journalist-assualting buzz-cut-having, fired-as-hell former Trump campaign manager—for a series of paid talks that are being billed as a “future-focused look at why Trump won.” Buzzfeed reports that the two could make more than ten thousand dollars per speech in a tour that will likely take them to “corporate gatherings, trade conferences, and universities.”
By teaming up with a guy like Lewandowski and padding his own wallet, Mook proves that our worst stereotypes of political flacks are, at least in this case, true. Politics can be a game, and politics can be a cynical cash grab, but as for actually believing in something, beyond the glibbest kind of self-centered neoliberalism? Not happening. Chances are, Mook thinks this is what he deserves—a natural rite in the life cycle of a political boy wonder. In that way, he’s the perfect avatar for the failed Clinton campaign. So he’ll take the money, offer his meaningless insights alongside the man Hamilton Nolan called a “vile opportunist,” and meanwhile, all around them, the world will burn.
Update: Here’s a former Mook co-worker sounding off on the news:
I’m going to give free speeches about how you don’t team up with Corey Lewandowski on anything, especially to make a quick buck. Come on man
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) January 25, 2017
Second update: The agency advertising this pair has deleted its listing, claiming that while both Mook and Lewandowski had expressed interest, they had not seen or approved the post that sparked Buzzfeed’s original story.