There Will Be a Robot Brothel in Houston If They Can Just Get the Right Permits

There Will Be a Robot Brothel in Houston If They Can Just Get the Right Permits

After opening Canada’s first robotic brothel, KinkySDollS was set to open another in Houston. What would’ve been the first of its kind in the States was halted when city officials realized the company did not have the correct permits, per the Houston Chronicle.

A spokesperson from the mayor’s office said KinkySDollS will have to apply for the demolition permit, as well as provide plans. The Chronicle was also told that legislation is under way to prevent businesses similar to this one in the future. Houston’s mayor himself told the Chronicle that he and his coworkers are reviewing ordinances and would even consider revising or creating new ones in order to block KinkySDollS.

The Independent reports that Houston’s citizens aren’t happy about the new business either. A recent petition found 8,000 signers to block robot brothels now and in the future.

With direct opposition from Houston, it’s unclear if KinkySDollS will be able to finish construction at all. Should they get up and running, the premises will host a showroom floor with varying models of robot companions. Clients pick their favorite and rent private rooms by the hour or half hour.

The argument for robotic sex companions falls on two sides. One camp asserts that having sex with robots is a preferable alternative to forcing oneself upon a human. The other side of the argument asserts that robot companions would only encourage behavior that leads the sexual assault, per The Independent.

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