Rudy Giuliani, in Delusional Rant: “I Will Be the Hero!”
Photo courtesy of Getty
This is amazing:
“It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons—when this is over, I will be the hero,” Giuliani said.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) September 26, 2019
In a phone call with Elaina Plott of The Atlantic, Rudy Giuliani defended himself amid a storm of accusations from the whistleblower who implicated him and Trump in improper dealings with the Ukraine—dealings which have led to an impeachment inquiry by House Democrats. Now, when I say Giuliani “defended himself,” what I mean is that he went on a truly deranged rant about how heroic he is. Here’s Plott:
Even among the president’s closest allies, Giuliani is now the subject of scorn. When I reached him by phone this morning, following House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s release of the full whistle-blower complaint at the center of the Ukraine scandal, he was, put simply, very angry.
“It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons—when this is over, I will be the hero,” Giuliani told me.
“I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government,” he continued, sounding out of breath. “Anything I did should be praised.”
In short, Trump offered Giuliani’s services in the now infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and then Giuliani met with Ukrainian officials in a way that has “deeply concerned” officials in government. Those details will unravel as the investigation moves forward, but for now you really need to read Plott’s article for these and other details,, such as the woman who was in charge of getting Giuliani’s Instagram account unlocked:
When I last saw Rudy Giuliani for lunch, at the Trump International Hotel in Washington four weeks ago, his most pressing concern was that he had been locked out of his Instagram account. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City and current personal attorney to President Donald Trump, had a young woman named Audra, who told me she had won the “hottiesfortrump” Reddit channel’s “Miss Deplorable” contest three years in a row, there to assist him.
And stay for the reactions from other White House officials about the damage he’s wrought:
This morning, a former senior White House official told me this “entire thing,” referring to the Ukraine scandal, was “Rudy putting shit in Trump’s head.” A senior House Republican aide bashed Giuliani, telling me he was a “moron.” Both individuals spoke on condition of anonymity in order to be candid.
“They’re a bunch of cowards,” Giuliani told me in response. “I didn’t do anything wrong. The president knows they’re a bunch of cowards.”
Marvelous stuff from Giuliani, a true American hero.