Rudy Giuliani Believes Trump Has the Right to “Correct” Impending Mueller Report
Photo by Tasos Katopodi/Getty
In an interview with The Hill on Thursday evening, former New York City mayor and current head of Trump’s legal team Rudy Giuliani expressed his belief that Trump should be allowed to “correct” special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report on suspected Russian interference with the 2016 presidential campaign, before Congress or the public can view it.
“As a matter of fairness, they should show it to you—so we can correct it if they’re wrong,” Giuliani told The Hill. “They’re not God, after all. They could be wrong.”
The 20-minute interview continuously reveals an adamant Giuliani set on protecting one thing: executive privilege.
“Of course we have to see before it goes to Congress. We have reserved executive privilege and we have a right to assert it. The only way we can assert it is if we see what is in the report,” Giuliani said.
It is speculated that Mueller will issue his report within the next few months, but Giuliani seems unfazed by the impending Russia probe.
“I have no concerns about Cohen at all because I can prove with very little effort that he is a total, complete and absolute liar,” Giuliani said. Until then, the professional attorney can only wait amidst his doubts to see if Mueller “puts up or shuts up.”