Former Trump Aide Michael Caputo Reveals That Mueller Possesses the “Entire Campaign’s Texts”
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty
It appears that speculation about the extent of special counsel Robert Mueller’s knowledge of the Trump campaign and its dealings with Russian officials is true. During an appearance on Fox News Thursday, former Trump aide and Republican consultant Michael Caputo revealed that Mueller has more knowledge of the Trump campaign than any campaign staffer and has the documentation to back it up.
“They have all the documents that were produced … they’ve got further documentation from people who worked outside the campaign — their emails, their texts. They have the entire campaign’s texts,” said Caputo, who was interviewed by Mueller on Wednesday.
The release of a leaked list of 49 questions Mueller wants answered by the president in relation to the Russia probe spawned the initial speculation that Mueller knew more than anyone suspected. Caputo’s comments Thursday confirmed those suspicions. “The Mueller investigation really wasn’t trying to find something … every question they asked, they already have the answer to,” said Caputo.
Caputo also stated his belief that Mueller’s team hasn’t uncovered evidence to support claims that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, though he told CNN on Wednesday that Mueller was fixated on that very subject during his interview with investigators earlier that day.
While not directly addressing Caputo’s comments, President Trump once again decried Mueller’s investigation as a “Witch Hunt” in a Friday morning tweet.
JUST OUT: 3.9% Unemployment. 4% is Broken! In the meantime, WITCH HUNT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 4, 2018
It is still unknown whether the president will sit for an interview with the special counsel or if Mueller will be forced to subpoena Trump, but Caputo’s comments show that the Mueller investigation has more reach and depth than anyone realized. If what Caputo says is true, Trump campaign officials now have even more reason to worry.