Waiter At Trump International Hotel Says Sean Hannity Ran Up $42,000 Tab in One Weekend

Waiter At Trump International Hotel Says Sean Hannity Ran Up $42,000 Tab in One Weekend

Irina Aleksander has a great story in GQ about Washington D.C.’s Trump International Hotel, and you should definitely read the whole thing. However, being the Internet scavengers that we are, we wanted to point you to (arguably) the most ridiculous detail in the entire story, concerning smug state media lackey Sean Hannity:

During the inauguration, suites were renting for as much as $18,000 a night, and the hotel filled up with diplomats and Trump’s business partners from places like Dubai and Malaysia. That same weekend, according to one forthcoming waiter, Fox News host Sean Hannity ran up a $42,000 tab in the restaurant, which included the cost of flying in an eight-pound 70-year-old lobster from Maine. (Fox News denied the story on Hannity’s behalf.)

Now, sure, these are all just allegations, and it’s probably impossible to prove anything in the absence of a receipt. But look at that picture of Hannity above. Really look at it…does that strike you as the face of a man who wouldn’t order a 70-year-old lobster from Maine at some garish Trump hotel? Yeah, that’s what we thought.

UPDATE: Hannity has responded!

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