Man Who Groped Woman’s Breast On Plane: “The President of the United States Says It’s Okay”

Man Who Groped Woman’s Breast On Plane: “The President of the United States Says It’s Okay”

You won’t get a much neater cause-and-effect story than this: A 49-year-old man named Bruce Alexander was arrested Sunday after groping a fellow passenger’s breast on a flight from Houston to Albuquerque. When he was detained and questioned by FBI agents, he had this to say, according to an affidavit:

“the President of the United States says it’s OK to grab women by their private parts.”

CBS News has the details:

The victim said she felt Alexander’s hand move from behind her and grab her right breast, according to the affidavit. She said she fell asleep about 20 minutes into the flight and not long after, she felt him touch her but assumed it was an accident. In a second incident 30 minutes later, she said she felt Alexander’s hand grab the back of her arm and grope around her ribs and then her breast.

The woman then stood up and told Alexander she did not understand how he could think that was OK and he needed to stop. She then asked a flight attendant to reseat her and was relocated to another section of the plane.

According to both the victim and the perpetrator, there was no alcohol or sleep aids involved. Alexander was charged with abusive sexual conduct in federal court on Monday.

Technically, Alexander is right in his assertion about Trump, but he failed to understand that it’s only “okay”—meaning you can get away with it for decades, if not an entire lifetime—if you’re rich and powerful.

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