Stephen Miller Threw Out $80 Worth of Sushi to Own the Libs
Photo courtesy of Getty
This morning, we were graced with yet another “normal people are being really mean to Trump staffers” story from a mainstream publication. This time it was the Washington Post, which wrote that “what distinguishes the Trump era’s turbulence is the sheer number of his deputies — many of them largely anonymous before his inauguration — who have become the focus of planned and sometimes spontaneous public fury.”
The story is fun and you should read it for anecdotes like Kellyanne Conway getting yelled at in a grocery store, Steve Bannon getting owned in a bookstore, and Sean Spicer absorbing insults from motorists on his front yard. And you already know about the recent meal disruptions for Scott Pruitt and Kirstjen Nielsen. But the best bit comes with none other than the architect of the child separation policy himself—the shadowy weasel fascist Stephen Miller:
One night, after Miller ordered $80 of takeout sushi from a restaurant near his apartment, a bartender followed him into the street and shouted, “Stephen!” When Miller turned around, the bartender raised both middle fingers and cursed at him, according to an account Miller has shared with White House colleagues.
Outraged, Miller threw the sushi away, he later told his colleagues.
Yessss! That’ll show ‘em! Throw that food you already paid for in the trash!
Not sure how the libs will recover from this one.