Report: Trump Advisor Stephen Miller Enjoys Seeing Photos of Immigrant Children in Detention Centers
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty
Trump senior policy advisor Stephen Miller likes seeing photos of children in detention centers at the U.S.-Mexico border, per Vanity Fair.
According to a White House advisor:
Stephen actually enjoys seeing those pictures at the border. He’s a twisted guy, the way he was raised and picked on. There’s always been a way he’s gone about this. He’s Waffen-SS.
Waffen-SS were the combat units of the SS in Nazi Germany during World War II. So, not only does Miller like seeing children ripped from their mother’s arms and traumatized to the point of developing lifelong health issues, but he is also now associated with Nazi Germany.
This remark comes in the middle of the immigration crisis concerning the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy. Republicans have taken sides for or against the policy, and have been very outspoken about it. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has taken the opposite side of Miller and chose not to attend a press briefing on the subject Tuesday. A friend of Sanders told Vanity Fair, “She’s tired of taking on water for something she doesn’t believe in. She continues to have frustration that the policies are all over the map.”
In the beginning stages of the policy, Miller reportedly “never gave up” the zero-tolerance policy that is currently separating families at the border. Once the policy was implemented, he defended it to the New York Times saying , “The U.S. government has a sacred, solemn, inviolable obligation to enforce the laws of the United States to stop illegal immigration and to secure and protect the borders.” When asked if the images of family separation at the border would make Trump back down, he said, “There is no straying from that mission.” Now, in the midst of nationwide chaos over the crisis at the border, Miller still stands firm in defending his policy. It’s no wonder he apparently enjoys seeing the photos of children being taken from their parents and placed in detention centers that many across the nation are calling “concentration camps.”
If you’re upset with Miller, who was the main driving force behind the zero-tolerance family separating policy, you can tell him yourself: Splinter released Miller’s phone number (202-881-8641) Wednesday so the nation can direct their grievances concerning his child-torturing policy to Miller himself. After all, Trump is all about direct feedback from the public to government officials—he personally published the cell phone numbers of his Republican primary opponent Lindsey Graham and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos during his campaign. Surely he’ll support the public’s right to call, text and ultimately flood Miller’s phone with messages of how despicable he truly is.