This Obscene Steve Bannon Quote About Paul Ryan Will Almost Make You Like Steve Bannon
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Look, we said “almost,” okay? It’s 2017, Trump is president, and we have to take our very minor kicks where we can. Bannon still sucks, so don’t @ us. But Paul Ryan is terrible too, and this is good schadenfreude.
The following quote comes from the upcoming book Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency by Bloomberg correspondent Joshua Green, which looks like a pretty spicy tell-all about the dual rise of the two men. TPM has some of the details, including this quote from Bannon on Paul Ryan, at a time when there were vague rumors that he might try to yoink the presidency from Trump at the convention:
Bannon raged at Paul Ryan as a “limp-dick motherfucker who was born in a Petri dish at the Heritage Foundation.”
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) July 18, 2017
And that’s not all! Here’s Bannon on alt-right weirdo and so-so punch-taker Richard Spencer:
Bannon rejected the idea of being associated with Richard Spencer, who leads the National Policy Institute, a white supremacist organization. He dismissed Spencer as a self-promoting “freak” and a “goober,” according to Green.
Finally, it appears Bannon’s nephew not only attended Trump’s election night event, but managed to get himself on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek wearing a red MAGA hat. Bannon’s description of his nephew?
The relative in question was Bannon’s nephew Sean, according to Green, who Bannon described affectionately as a “total fucking hammerhead.”