Anti-LGBTQ Advocate (and Racist) Steve Scalise Had His Life Saved by a Queer, Black Woman
Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty
House majority whip Steve Scalise, the self-proclaimed “David Duke without the baggage” who has spoken to white nationalist hate groups, was shot two days ago while practicing with other GOP representatives for a congressional baseball game. Scalise—who has repeatedly voted against LBGTQ rights while also authoring Louisiana’s ban on same-sex marriage—was ultimately saved by the quick actions of two on-duty Capitol Police officers at the scene.
Several witnesses claim that without the police officers’ intervention, the shooting could have become much, much worse. As it stands, there have been no deaths from the incident beyond that of the shooter himself.
Ironically, one of the police officers at least partially responsible for saving Scalise’s life was a queer black woman. Crystal Griner was wounded in the attack, and she is currently in the hospital recovering, supported by her wife Tiffany.
Will Scalise change his mind and maybe lighten up on his harsh anti-LBGTQ stance now that he was saved by an officer who identifies as such? Maybe dial the racism back a touch?
Don’t count on it.