Idiot Football Coach Mike Leach Shares Doctored Obama Video, Won’t Back Down
Photo by Jennifer Stewart/Getty
I used to think Mike Leach was cool. His offense at Texas Tech was fun as hell, and even though he couldn’t coach a defense if his life depended on it, you could always bank on Red Raider games being fun. (The same is mostly true at Washington State, his current gig.) He once appeared on Friday Night Lights, has a cool pirate slogan (“swing your sword!”), and for a long time he seemed like a fun free spirit in a very rigid, conservative game.
Now? Now he’s every aging white moron who gets brainwashed by Fox News and falls for clear internet political fakery. Look at this tweet, which is still up but which I’m screenshotting because you would have to think that somebody will convince him to take it down eventually, even in the midst of his obstinate old man act:
So, here’s that video:
It should be obvious to anyone with a brain that even if Obama believed this, he would never say it, and of course it’s a fake. I mean, look at that quote!
Ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, but order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.
It’s like a conservative’s wet dream of what they hope to catch Obama saying in private, and the enticing possibility that he said it in public is too much for people like Leach to resist—they find themselves unable to remain tethered to reality, or to retain even a shred of common sense.
The actual March 2014 speech it’s taken from is one in which Obama says this, on Russia-Ukraine:
Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign. Often, this alternative vision roots itself in the notion that by virtue of race or faith or ethnicity, some are inherently superior to others, and that individual identity must be defined by “us” versus “them,” or that national greatness must flow not by what a people stand for, but by what they are against.
As you see, the video above has been edited to look like Obama is making the exact opposite point of the one he’s really making.
People pointed this out to Leach, and my God, his reaction was even more embarrassing than the original crime of being a clueless dupe. If you hate the classic “I was just asking questions!” routine, or the “explain to me how I was wrong while I ignore your obvious points” sideshow, please don’t look at these exchanges:
God, what an enormous a***ole.