Watch Protesters Boo Ted Cruz out of a D.C. Restaurant
Photos by Pool/Getty
Late Monday night, Ted Cruz was booed out of a D.C. restaurant by protesters chanting, “We believe survivors.” Apart from being less than palatable on his own, Cruz was targeted because of his relationship with Brett Kavanaugh. The two have been friends for 20 years, according to a Smash Racism DC. So naturally, Cruz will sit on the judiciary committee that hears Kavanaugh’s testimony in regards to the sexual assault allegations against him.
Kavanaugh’s accusers include Christine Blasey Ford, who claims she was assaulted by Kavanaugh in high school, and Deborah Ramirez, who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a college party. Kavanaugh rebutted, sort of, Monday night in an interview with Fox News, in which he claimed he was a virgin during that time and therefore incapable of committing sexual assault. But Paste’s Shane Ryan can explain why that’s moronic.
The video below, taken by protesters, shows Cruz and his wife being ushered out of a D.C. restaurant amidst chants.
BREAKING. Activists just chased @TedCruz out of a fancy Washington DC restaurant, chanting “We Believe Survivors!”
Cruz has been friends with creep Kavanaugh for 20 years. Now Cruz is on judiciary committee hearing his testimony.
Fascists not welcome!
— Smash Racism DC (@SmashRacismDC) September 25, 2018