Tomi Lahren’s Great-Great-Grandfather Was An Illegal Immigrant Who Probably Forged His Papers

Politico ran a fascinating piece yesterday looking at how the Trump administration’s “immigration crackdown” would have affected his own people, back when their ancestors came to America. It’s a terrific piece, and you should go read the whole thing, but there’s one vignette in particular that is deeply, deeply satisfying, in regards to Fox News’ Tomi Lahren:
But her tree yielded perhaps the most hilarious vignette yet: Lahren’s Russian immigrant great-great-grandfather, Constantin Dietrich, was indicted by a federal grand jury in North Dakota in 1917 for forging his naturalization papers. Such prosecutions were exceedingly rare; there were typically less than 100 annually out of about 105,000 naturalizations.
He wasn’t just illegal—he was accused of faking his own papers!
Lahren, as the author notes, is a relentless pro-Trump, anti-immigration hustler, and loves to vomit out tweets like this one:
If they aren’t shithole countries, why don’t their citizens stay there? Let’s be honest. Call it like it is.
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) January 12, 2018
And a search of her Twitter account for the words “immigrant” or “immigration” is…well, it’s dispiriting.
We can safely say that Lahren errs on the side of deportation when there’s any gray area, but it’s a good thing for her—and incredibly unfortunate for the rest of us—that a few Americans in North Dakota didn’t feel the same way:
But luckily for Lahren, the trial jury was apparently unmoved by the findings of the grand jury and acquitted him, making it possible for her to be here sharing her anti-immigration screeds on Twitter in 2018.
In 2018, our country abounds with gross specimens of humanity like Lahren. They’re not going away any time soon, so it’s nice, in some small way, when their hypocrisy is exposed by their own ancestors.