The 25 Best Never Trump Conservatives to Follow on Twitter
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty
It’s no secret that Paste has a decidedly liberal slant, so I figured that compiling a resource to find principled conservatives would be a worthwhile endeavor to our readers. Many of you will no doubt disagree with most of the people below on a wide range of issues, but there is one that we can all agree on: Donald Trump is a national embarrassment.
America is horribly divided, and there has been an impulse since the election to completely abandon the other side of the political divide and retreat to our corners. This is a recipe for not just a two-term Trump administration, but one to create a legacy of mini-Trumps. You can wholeheartedly disagree with someone and still respect the ideological ground they stand on, and the 25 below conservatives are consistent in their conservatism. There are plenty of reasons to follow these accounts, and if you’re looking for allies in this battle against Trumpism, citing their arguments can only help your credibility—and who knows—you may even learn something new along the way.
Stevens was Mitt Romney’s top strategist for his 2012 presidential campaign, and he takes that expertise to calmly explain how Trump is slowly killing the Republican Party.
Just a little glimpse into future of a Trump party: every 4 years, electorate is 2% less white & 4% less white HS or less educated.
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) November 6, 2016
Actually more white voters turned out for Romney than Trump. He got more votes than Trump. Clinton just got a lot less than Obama.
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) November 9, 2016
He’s also pretty funny.
Trump is closing as Keyser Soze.
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) November 7, 2016
Wolf is the managing editor of TheBlaze—a conservative site that is not solely defined by the rants of the recently fired Tomi Lahren. He is a capital C conservative who regularly tweetstorms about how horrified he is that a fraud like Trump has come to represent his brand.
And now for a few words about how it is already obvious that Trump is a much less effective political leader than Obama was. 1/
— Leon Wolf (@LeonHWolf) March 26, 2017
The fact that a man with such open ties to the Kremlin was in Trump’s inner circle has always been a huge, open, public concern. /3
— Leon Wolf (@LeonHWolf) February 14, 2017
The chaotic, insane lack of basic discipline you’ve seen since Saturday is why I opposed Trump, not ideology. It will lead to disaster.
— Leon Wolf (@LeonHWolf) January 31, 2017
Those of us who enjoy steaks that taste like, well…steaks, have an ally in Wolf.
A message to Donald Trump, on behalf of America.
— Leon Wolf (@LeonHWolf) February 28, 2017
Woolf is the editor of Mida, a politically conservative Israeli website. He tweets a lot about middle eastern politics and history, but still makes plenty of room to excoriate the Trump movement and its enablers.
Honestly, Trump could only happen with an incredibly bored, rich, and spoiled society. He would have been eaten alive in Petrograd.
— Avi Woolf, Elitist (@AviWoolf) March 15, 2017
So…has American Manhood been restored now that Trump’s President?
— Avi Woolf, Elitist (@AviWoolf) March 8, 2017
It demonstrates just how fundamentally selfish and narcissistic Trump voters are, and how hypocritical.
— Avi Woolf, Elitist (@AviWoolf) February 28, 2017
Nichols is a professor at the Naval War College and the Harvard Extension School. He recently wrote a book called The Death of Expertise, and has no patience for people who think that having a rudimentary grasp of how to Google things puts them on the level of experts like himself, who have spent a lifetime devouring knowledge.
When a doctor says “Your health is related to your weight,” it’s not expert failure if you found a website that gave you a different answer.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) February 10, 2017
Because people seize on expert error as a way of ignoring all expert advice they do not happen to like.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) February 10, 2017
He’s also an expert on Russia, and smells a rat when it comes to the Kremlin’s relationship with Trump.
Remnick: Lots of buyer’s remorse in Moscow now about Trump. Add the Kremlin to the list of dogs who caught the car.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) February 28, 2017
Jordan crunches numbers for politics and has written at outlets like Forbes, The National Review and Real Clear Politics. He is a gif and video enthusiast, as exemplified by this nearly perfect tweet.
This video is basically a baseball reenactment of how Trump got nominated and won the election.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) March 11, 2017
His gif game is on point.
White House staff every time they wake up and see that Trump has sent out tweets they will be spending the next 48 hours somehow defending.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) March 5, 2017
All of the Republicans who thought that Trump winning the presidency would actually lead to a full repeal of Obamacare.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) March 7, 2017
Even cows have had enough of the Trump administration and are fleeing.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) February 21, 2017
Ponnuru writes at National Review Online and Bloomberg, and he is the definition of a policy wonk. A lot of his tweets will either help you learn something new or go completely over your head. He doesn’t tweet derisively about Trump too much, but when he does, they cut right to the bone.
Looking forward to President Trump’s denouncing his own anonymous quotes from lunch today as “fake news”
— Ramesh Ponnuru (@RameshPonnuru) February 28, 2017
Trump: I’m a free trader and a fair trader who likes protection.
— Ramesh Ponnuru (@RameshPonnuru) March 1, 2017
Amash represents the third district of Michigan in the House of Representatives, and is one of the few members of Congress you can actually describe as honest and forthright. He explains every vote on his Facebook page, and has no problem lighting Trump up on Twitter.
As I’ve said all along, I’m not voting for @realDonaldTrump (or @HillaryClinton). It’s time for self-reflection from Trump and @GOP leaders.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) October 8, 2016
Trump is not fit to be president if he believes the NDAA permits him to take actions prohibited by the Constitution.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) August 19, 2016
Rogue One comes out this week, and the reviews are great. But there’s no way it’s better than 2015’s Darth Trump:
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) December 14, 2016
Cooke is the editor of National Review Online, and he defines himself as a “classical liberal.” He is very focused on policy, and is willing to give Trump credit when he thinks he is in the right.
I dislike this EO as a matter of policy. I’m also outraged by this decision, and think Trump is absolutely right on the legal question.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 16, 2017
However, he finds Trump to be in the wrong far more often.
There is nothing in this speech. It’s pure outsider anger. But Trump is the president and the GOP controls almost everything. Bizarre.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) February 24, 2017
This absurd idea that every poll on him must be wrong because some of the state-level polls were bad in 2016 is going to bite Trump hard.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) February 17, 2017
Foster is a contributing editor at the National Review Online, and his dry sense of humor is a good counter to the stream of nonsense emanating from Trumplandia.
“You can be anti-Trump and still enjoy the liberal freakout over his replacing Pence with Dmitri Medvedev.”—everyone six months from now.
— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterType) December 30, 2016
I’ll say it again: Every Trump quote sounds better if you imagine it delivered by a petty criminal in a tracksuit with a Balkan accent.
— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterType) October 7, 2016
Hayes is the Editor-in-Chief of The Weekly Standard, and a fierce critic of hypocrisy, which inherently places him opposite to the disorganized mess that is Trumpsim.
With the WH statement this AM, Trump calls for congressional probe to determine if what he claimed was true is actually true.
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) March 5, 2017
It’s not just inappropriate for President Trump to call the US media “the enemy of the American people,” it’s unAmerican.
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) February 18, 2017
He also raises good points about media hypocrisy, which you will notice is a running theme on this list.
Obama breaks w/decades of US policy on Cuba & gets endless fawning coverage. Trump breaks w/US policy by phoning Taiwan & he’s reckless?
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) December 3, 2016
Lowry is the editor of National Review, and he is a terrific resource to liberals trying to understand how Trump happened.
As I’ve been trying to tell some of my liberal friends, we’re just five weeks in and they shouldn’t discount Trump learning as he goes
— Rich Lowry (@RichLowry) March 1, 2017
Puzder flameout not a sign of Trump’s weakness, as per WSJ editorial this a.m.; it was a sign of Puzder’s weakness
— Rich Lowry (@RichLowry) February 16, 2017
But he still seems as confused about some of this stuff as the rest of us are.
who had their money on trump declaring an election rigged—that he won?!?
— Rich Lowry (@RichLowry) January 25, 2017
The self-professed “baseballcrank” is sure to ruffle a liberal’s feathers on a consistent basis, as a lawyer who writes for National Review Online and formerly of RedState speaks his mind on a range of issues. However, there is one common ground the far left can find with him.
Periodic reminder that there were a whole lot of options besides Trump & Clinton that wouldn’t have ended up with FBI investigating WH.
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) March 20, 2017
Wake up. List of things to do. Trump tweets. Spend whole morning on Twitter insanity caused by Trump. Nothing else done.
Every damn day.
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) March 4, 2017
Like many others on this list, he does a good job of reminding us that despite our derision, Trump still does have a tremendous amount of power that a lot of people don’t quite understand.
One caution on Trump’s low approval rates is to recall that exit polls had him at 60% unfavorable ON ELECTION DAY.
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) February 24, 2017
Miller is not your typical Republican, despite the fact that he worked for a classic Republican’s campaign (Jeb!). He’s written about Chance the Rapper at The Federalist, and even penned a few anti-Trump columns during the election at exiled former ESPNer, Bill Simmons’ site, The Ringer.
Reagan: We will again be the exemplar of freedom & a beacon of hope
Trump: we’ve got a lot of killers…you think our country’s so innocent?— Tim Miller (@Timodc) February 5, 2017
Celeb makes predictable/bad trump jokes.
Conservative twitter gets outaged.
Tim goes to get ice cream.
Rinse repeat 4 years.
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) January 9, 2017
Preview of President Trump’s 2nd term communications director addressing a rift with the Aussies
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) March 17, 2017
This ABC, CNN and Telemundo contributor hits Trump on the daily, and she is an absolute must-follow for anyone who wants to gorge themselves on Trump jokes.
President. Donald. Trump.
— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) February 22, 2017
You know what the dictatorial regime of Maduro in Venezuela & Trump White House have in common? Both kicked @CNN out. Like peas in a pod…
— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) February 24, 2017
Lord. Trump pressers are loony. Can he go 1 damn day without mentioning EC vote win? He’ll never shift from candidate to President. #Loco
— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) February 16, 2017
Wilson is a Republican consultant and media strategist who writes in The Daily Beast, Politico and The New York Daily News, among a few others. Like many on this list, he feels as if much of conservatism left him behind, and is on a mission to return it to those who are principled enough not to sell their soul to a hate-filled, mutated Dorito.
They say the taste of revenge is sweet.
Well, let me see…
Prepare the table for a feast, take a seat, now let’s eat.– Raekwon
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) March 30, 2017
Need someone to code a Twitter bot that replies “The time for trivial fights is behind us” every time Trump tweets, forever.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) March 1, 2017
“My nonpolitical friends loved the Trump presser” is the Trump fan equivalent of “my Canadian girlfriend.”
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) February 17, 2017
I’ll be honest, this is the first time I’ve discovered his name, as I have only known him by his notorious handle: Popehat. Popehat is actually a blog made up of eight different writers, but Ken White tweets from their main account, and he regularly makes me laugh out loud with non-Trump takes.
.@SteveKopack This is great now people can call me cuck 37 times in their responses instead of only 35
— Popehat on Tapp (@Popehat) March 30, 2017
But he still saves plenty of good stuff for our commander-in-tweet.
Melania: How was your day?
Trump: I put the Austrians in their place.
Melania: Why would ….
Trump: That’ll teach them to invade Russia.— Popehat on Tapp (@Popehat) February 2, 2017
I can see why Trump wants to return to Palm Beach every weekend. He’s a Florida Man at heart.
— Popehat on Tapp (@Popehat) February 14, 2017
I don’t believe anyone would try to assassinate Roger Stone with a car crash. Far simpler just to paint poison on Trump’s ass.
— Popehat on Tapp (@Popehat) March 15, 2017
Stephen Miller is such an unprincipled ferret that I hope that Trump reads the highlights of the order and force-chokes his ass immediately.
— Popehat on Tapp (@Popehat) March 15, 2017
Zanotti writes for HeatStreet and is another good follow for things other than politics.
OK, guys. I stopped at the grocery store to pick up dessert on my way home from lunch. Now I am scandalized by cake.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) March 30, 2017
But there is still plenty of humor left over for Trumpistan.
Trump and the msm are like two people in a rom-com who just keep having hate sex with each other until they realize they are in love.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) February 16, 2017
This piece of advice is something we all should take to heart.
Friendly advice: if everyone in your movement gets the vapors every time Donald Trump tweets, you may not have a successful resistance.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) January 16, 2017
Ham writes at The Federalist and appears regularly on CNN. She also co-moderated a GOP primary debate. She dispenses valuable knowledge and gives zero fucks about stepping on your feelings to make a point.
I’m a Trump-critical, conservative public figure who is a proud Duke fan. Your hate GIVES ME LIFE. Bring it. And you kinda don’t hate me. ????
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) March 11, 2017
She is the conservative mom that hyperventilating liberals need right now.
I’m not even saying there aren’t reasons to freak, but the constant high level bolsters Trump, erodes trust, validates their skepticism.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) March 1, 2017
A graphic representation of the entertainment drop-off from Trump’s presser to McConnell’s.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) February 17, 2017
I’m clearly no Trump fan, but this idea the way to heal society is to assiduously avoid anyone who disagrees w you on anything is insane.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) January 17, 2017
Liberals: “GOP is full of the awful & this should be stopped at all costs!” Trump: “Totes agree. Stopped.” Liberals: “Crap.”
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) January 4, 2017
If I had to bet on who will be our next Republican president, I would put my money on the Senator from Nebraska. He’s genuinely funny, affable, and if he is an ideologue, he sure does a good job of hiding it. Plus, he avoided this Trump nonsense from the very start.
If Trump becomes the Republican nominee my expectation is that I’ll look for some 3rd candidate – a conservative option, a Constitutionalist
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) February 29, 2016
Since the election, he doesn’t really tweet about Trump very much, but he was surprisingly candid for a sitting Senator during the campaign.
many well-meaning ppl support Trump.
But some say they want him for reasons indistinguishable from desiring a king— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) February 27, 2016
Since the inauguration, the best we’ll get out of him is a subtweet of the president.
Actually, the thing America needs Least is more folks in politics who think politics is ultimate
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) March 29, 2017
Seriously, where can I bet on his presidential odds? I don’t care what they are, this is happening. Please, someone take my money.
I’m sorta an independent conservative who caucuses with republicans — these are the really funny folks…
— Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) March 28, 2017
The contributing editor to RedState spends many of his days beefing with fellow “conservatives” who call him a traitor to the cause for not supporting a man who identified as a liberal at various points in his life. He minces no words in his hatred for this orange ball of crazy that hijacked a good portion of what used to be known as the conservative movement.
Watching a Trump when he’s answering a question feels exactly like watching a Ben Stiller movie waiting for the character to screw up.
— Ben (@BenHowe) February 16, 2017
Honestly if Democrats really want to win the next several elections the last thing they should do is impeach Trump.
— Ben (@BenHowe) February 15, 2017
Hey @jasoninthehouse, you’ve long supported oversight efforts.
Do you truly believe there’s nothing about Russia/Trump worth looking into?
— Ben (@BenHowe) February 14, 2017
I oppose civil asset forfeiture, too. That Sheriff from Trump’s meeting can eat a dick.
— Ben (@BenHowe) February 9, 2017
The self-described “Publisher + Culture Vulture” at The Wilderness and contributor to HeatStreet has seemingly pissed everyone off on Twitter at some point, which shows that he’s doing something right. Since the election, he has spent much of his time on Twitter pointing out how hypocritical it is for the media to freak out over things Trump is doing when they barely cared about it when Obama did them.
BREAKING: Trump has the authority to do stuff.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) March 11, 2017
As much as he delights in teasing liberals about their blind spots, he still hits conservatives for theirs as well.
Who is and is not a conservative argument is going to get real fun with eminent domain lawsuits against GOP funding Trump’s border wall.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) March 19, 2017
He also does a good job pointing out the absurdity of the mainstream media.
CNN has a Trump twitter countdown clock, exactly like how firefighters do.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) March 2, 2017
No, this isn’t their actual name, but their Twitter pseudonym is presumably named after the fictional character created by Kurt Vonnegut. Classified as a “sometimes writer” whose writings are difficult to find, I first discovered this account when many of the above conservatives continually retweeted them into my timeline, and was sold a couple days ago when they compared White House shill Devin Nunes to Uncle Jack from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
It’s uncanny
— Kilgore Trout (@KT_So_It_Goes) March 28, 2017
My masterpiece is complete
— Kilgore Trout (@KT_So_It_Goes) March 28, 2017
Their pop-culture analogies are awesome.
Look I’m perfectly fine with Trump spending four years going full Uncle Rico on his glory days because in the meantime he’s doing jack shit.
— Kilgore Trout (@KT_So_It_Goes) March 16, 2017
I really am beginning to look at Trump getting his wish in a monkey’s paw sort of light.
— Kilgore Trout (@KT_So_It_Goes) March 16, 2017
Mandel is the Op-Ed editor of the New York Post and has remained #NeverTrump in the face of actual danger coming from this unhinged wing of the party.
@MarcACaputo yup. My family threatened & harassed for being NeverTrump, but I say anything positive and I’m a sellout “so-called NeverTrump”
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) December 21, 2016
That hasn’t stopped him from having fun with his opposition though.
“Sean, can you comment on Trump’s tweet and how it might affect the investigation?”
“Honestly Donald has played a limited role in this WH.”
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) March 20, 2017
At the end of the day, he is a sober conservative who helpfully reminds us how so much of the media has utterly corrupted itself, which helped create the conditions for Trump.
The reason this stuff matters is if media takes something Clinton did too and calls it autocratic when Trump does it, credibility is gone.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) March 10, 2017
Lastly, a reminder: if you don’t take your responsibility as a journalist seriously, no one else will either.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) March 10, 2017
Stop getting meep-meeped by Donald Trump.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) March 15, 2017
A self-described “confidant of exiled conservatives,” Daly writes for, National Review Online and Paste. I recruited him to our media section because I felt that in order to credibly cover the media in the age of Trump, we needed to bring a conservative voice to help liberals understand how much of the media really does have a liberal slant. His article at Paste about the difference between the coverage of Tea Party protests and the Women’s March is one such example of this blind spot around the media that too many liberals have (myself once included). Like everyone else on this list, his tweets are a reminder of the one nice thing about Donald Trump: the dude has helped unite rational thinkers on all sides of the aisle.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: These old Trump tweets are devastating. It’s like he went back in time to humiliate himself.
— John A. Daly (@JohnDalyBooks) March 25, 2017
“Never listen to the fake news!”
“But isn’t what you said, Mr. Trump, fake?”
“I read it in an article. Take it up w/ the guy who wrote it.”— John A. Daly (@JohnDalyBooks) March 23, 2017
Bolling’s more defensive of Trump than I am of my own children.
— John A. Daly (@JohnDalyBooks) March 24, 2017
I would assume that they are named after the famed Chappelle Show skit, and if the name alone doesn’t sell you on giving them a follow, then you might want to check your funny bone. They’re goofy, but underlying its entire shtick is a serious fiscally conservative mindset. No one has more fun on Twitter than whomever runs this account.
I wish Tech Leaders standing up to Trump when it’s popular would have stood up against Macklemore getting 4 Grammys over Kendrick in 2014
— Wu-Tang Financial (@Wu_Tang_Finance) January 30, 2017
Who’s more conflicted about the Trump Kanye bromance?
— Wu-Tang Financial (@Wu_Tang_Finance) December 14, 2016
— Wu-Tang Financial (@Wu_Tang_Finance) September 26, 2016
Smh trump always pushing buttons and being insensitive, when will it stop?
— Wu-Tang Financial (@Wu_Tang_Finance) August 26, 2016
— Wu-Tang Financial (@Wu_Tang_Finance) September 19, 2016
Jacob Weindling is Paste’s business and media editor, as well as a staff writer for politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.