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"Charles D'Ambrosio"
- travel From Alabama to Colombia: Killer Karaoke By Charles McNair May 26, 2015 | 9:02am
- travel From Alabama to Colombia: Fast Food Nation, Redux By Charles McNair May 12, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel From Alabama to Colombia: Murder in the Cathedral? By Charles McNair April 28, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel From Alabama to Colombia: Cunning Linguist By Charles McNair April 14, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel From Alabama to Colombia: Driving and Surviving in Bogota By Charles McNair March 31, 2015 | 9:00am
- travel From Alabama to Colombia: My First Earthquake By Charles McNair March 17, 2015 | 12:00pm
- travel From Alabama to Colombia: Hernando the Beauty By Charles McNair March 3, 2015 | 8:07am
- travel From Alabama to Colombia: On Coke By Charles McNair February 17, 2015 | 8:07am
- travel My Modern Family By Charles McNair February 3, 2015 | 8:07am
- comedy Chris Gethard On Moving to Cable and the Magic of New Jersey TV By Charles Moran January 29, 2015 | 1:13pm
- travel Love in the Town of Cucunubá By Charles McNair January 20, 2015 | 8:07am
- travel Sparking Up a New Life in Bogota, Colombia By Charles McNair January 5, 2015 | 4:12pm
- movies Catching Up With Josh Charles of Bird People By Josh Jackson September 29, 2014 | 11:47am
- drink Um, There’s a Rat In Your Wine By Graham Averill August 7, 2014 | 2:55pm
- movies The Best of the Bad: The 15 Best B-Movie Directors By Jim Vorel July 10, 2014 | 10:30am
- games The 10 Best Games of E3 2014 By Charles Webb June 17, 2014 | 9:00am
- movies Kingu Kongu, Godzilla and the Myth about Japan’s First Movie Monster By Charles Moss June 11, 2014 | 3:46pm