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"Say Hi"
- drink Say Goodbye to Don Draper with a Proper Old Fashioned By Billy Brown April 6, 2015 | 11:19am
- food 7 Veggies That Say Spring Is on the Way By Danguole Lekaviciute March 2, 2015 | 8:00am
- soccer The Premier League's 20 Weirdest Sponsorship Deals (and what they say about each team) By Taylor Rockwell November 21, 2014 | 8:45am
- movies Tweet Anything By Amy Glynn November 10, 2014 | 1:00pm
- comedy Five Things We Learned From Martin Short's New Memoir By Jordan Appugliesi November 6, 2014 | 12:30pm
- comedy The 10 Best Viral Videos of 2013 By Ryan Bort December 23, 2013 | 7:48am
- design Wes Anderson Style: What the Details Say By Dani Barrow November 15, 2013 | 9:32am
- music 16 Musicians Discuss Their First Concert T-Shirts By Matt Wake April 10, 2012 | 10:37am