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"Elvis Presley"
- movies A Star is Reborn: From Music to the Movies By Amanda Schurr September 22, 2015 | 6:06am
- comedy The Eighth of January: Elvis, R. Kelly and a Union of Souls By Paste Staff January 8, 2015 | 12:00pm
- books State of the Art: MAD Magazine Icon Al Jaffee on His Favorite Fold-Ins By Sean Edgar July 17, 2014 | 2:36pm
- music The Curmdgeon: Memphis' Music Museums By Geoffrey Himes August 13, 2013 | 12:08pm
- music The 20 Best Reissues and Box Sets of 2012 By Bonnie Stiernberg December 11, 2012 | 7:29am
- music 14 Famous Memorial Sites For Musicians By Caitlin Peterkin June 7, 2011 | 12:32pm
- music 10 Musicians Who Served In The Military By Alexandra Fletcher May 30, 2011 | 8:00am
Showing items 26 - 33 / 33 total