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"Isn't It Romantic"
- food Dine-and-Date: 5 Cayman Restaurants to Enjoy Romantic Island Life By Jennifer Billock May 4, 2017 | 1:10pm
- college 7 Times Superheroes Got Romantic By Kevin Garcia February 14, 2015 | 2:55pm
- books 10 Romantic Quotes from the Works of Gabriel García Márquez By Frannie Jackson April 19, 2014 | 6:05pm
- movies A Sinister Valentine: 10 Famous Romantic Movie Quotes As Spoken by Frank Underwood By Shane Ryan February 14, 2014 | 1:20pm
- movies 14 Romantic Films for Valentine's Day (that Guys Will Like) By Jim Vorel February 11, 2014 | 1:39pm
- movies Roman Coppola: Redefining the Romantic Comedy By Josh Jackson February 15, 2013 | 10:56am
- comedy 10 Tech- Based Romantic Comedies By Anita George February 14, 2013 | 12:30pm
- comedy The 17 Best Romantic Comedies This Decade By Jeremy Medina February 6, 2009 | 6:00am
Showing items 76 - 96 / 96 total