Keith Olbermann Has Some Advice for US Soccer Fans …

As with all things Keith Olbermann, Keith Olbermann’s advice for soccer fans in America is mostly about Keith Olbermann. That’s why they pay him to talk at us. And though KO’s didactic delivery is irksome, looking to rile you, maybe even designed to go viral … that doesn’t prevent at least some of it from actually being good advice.
The one thing Olbermann is missing here … soccer seems to be working just fine in America. We have a national team that’s making progress (out of the group and into the knockout rounds in consecutive World Cups now), a domestic league that keeps expanding (get ready for NYCYC and Orlando in 2015) and websites, like this one, that are adding a Soccer section to sit alongside Music, Movies, TV, Games, Comedy, Books, Design, Tech, Drink and Geek as one of the key cultural activities of America. So I say we keep doing what we’re doing, enjoy this moment and be excited about the future.