All My Socks Are Dope: 6 Beautiful Sock Brands

Despite their important role in foot-warmth and sweat-absorption, socks have a bad rap. They´re often perceived to be a boring and basic present, a gift unworthy of glee and gratitude. Because socks are frequently an after-thought, many people are unwilling to drop dollars on a quality pair. Hell, some folks can´t fathom the desire—let alone the demand—to wear well-made socks in the first place.

We´re here to correct those misconceptions and polish socks´ tarnished reputation. So take any and all sock-related biases out of your top drawer and check out these 6 unique and unisex brands. We bet you’ll use that extra space to s(t)ock up on the most underrated article of clothing.

1. Pacific & Co.

Blueprint via Pacific and Co., from $13.50

This Barcelona-based sock brand, with its vivid imagery and high calibre design, is anything but boring. From “Idols”—a pair featuring colourful portraits of icons Steve Prefontaine, Sheryl Swoopes, Kanye West and more—to “Blueprint,” socks showcasing sketches of sneakers like Nike Air Force Ones and Adidas Originals Superstar, Pacific & Co. was the inspiration behind this article; the title pays tribute to the brand´s detail phrase “All My Socks are Dope,” which can be found inside the top elastic band of each pair.

Instagram: @pacificandco
Twitter: @pacificandco

2. Happy Socks

Happy Socks, from $12 (Photo via Kit Souther)

We can´t help but associate this Swedish brand with a certain cheerful children´s film. The comparison doesn´t stop at brand name/film title—these colourful and festive socks challenge the boring status quo without being too aggressive. Each pair radiates feel-good vibes and chipper pops of color just like its animated counterpart. These similarities make us wonder, “Was the name ‘Happy Socks’ merely a prosperous coincidence or was it a sly marketing strategy to capitalize on our love for tap-dancing penguins?” Either way, so long as that happy-go-lucky attitude wears off from our soles onto our souls, Happy Socks will be on our feet.

Instagram: @happysocksofficial

3. Alexander McQueen

Short Skull Socks via Alexander McQueen, $80

If you’re ready to fully embrace the union between socks and luxury, look no further than the iconic House of Alexander McQueen. While the price-tag may shock the conscience of some, the iconic British brand produces pristine cotton calcetines that will keep you seasonally on trend and comfortably in style. Would you be willing to spend $80+ on a pair? Leave a comment and let us know the maximum amount you’d drop on socks.

4. Corgi

4th of July Sock Pack via Corgi, $43.51

From cashmere to cotton, and couture to casual, you’ll find a pair for every occasion inside Corgi’s colourful and comfortable sock collections. If you hate feeling the seam of your sock bunched inside your shoe, scoop a pair (or twenty) of Corgi’s: each toe seam is closed one thread at a time to ensure a flat, seamless sock. If you need a second opinion, Prince Charles will happily oblige—he’s stocked his sock drawer with cashmere Corgis since 1989.


5. Gammarelli

Red Socks via Mes Chaussettes Rouges, $22.31

Pope Francis tweets, listens to Patti Smith and has a replica Copa Libertadores trophy. From his many papal hats down to his toes, His Holiness is the dopest—and so are his red Gammarelli socks. An iconic Italian label, the House of Gammarelli has been keeping the Roman Clergy’s toes cozy since 1798. Like all trendsetters, Pope Francis is capable of transforming something old and out-dated into something fashionable. Exclusively available at Mes Chaussettes Rouges, scoop a pair of Gammarelli’s and kick it like you’re Supreme Pontiff of Socks.

6. London Sock Company

London Sock Company, From $13.50

Trumpeting the slogan, “You may be born to be a man, but you must desire to be a gentleman,” London Sock Company offers chic and colourful socks that are spun from Scottish Lisle Cotton yarns. Although labelled and marketed for men, socks are the most androgynous article of apparel so women shouldn’t shy away from slipping their toes into London Socks. Similar to Foot Cardigan, a sockscription delivery service we told you about last year, you can sock-scribe to the Sock Club and receive up to three pairs of socks each month.

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