The 10 Essential Apple Watch Apps

The 10 Essential Apple Watch Apps

It’s been two years since the first Apple Watch was released. One revision later, and there are thousands of apps available for the iconic smartwatch. That doesn’t mean they’re all great, though. We’ve taken a look through the App Store and dug out the best and most useful apps for your Apple Watch. Each is guaranteed to make your life run a little more efficiently than before.

1. RunKeeper (Free)
runkeeper_680.jpgWhether you’re running, walking or cycling, your Apple Watch is great for keeping an eye on your activity levels. RunKeeper makes tracking workouts even better, providing you with maps, detailed statistics and the option of setting goals and following workout plans. You can leave your phone at home and still track things too, with Bluetooth connectivity, and fitness tracker integration making it all the more effective.

2. Sleep++ (Free)
sleep_680.jpgSleep++ uses the Apple Watch’s motion tracking capabilities to measure how long you’re sleeping for, and the quality of your sleep. You simply tell it when you go to sleep and when you wake up, and the app does the rest. Tying into HealthKit, it’ll transfer that information to other health and fitness apps too for further analysis.

3. Productive habits (Free)
productive_648.jpgHabit building is a great way of becoming more productive. Productive habits makes organizing and scheduling your plans far easier to do via your wrist. The app shows you what’s due for the current time of day, so you can manage your time more effectively, and never be overwhelmed by too much at once.

4. 1Password (Free)
1password_648.jpgTo gain the Apple Watch functionality within 1Password, you’ll have to pay $9.99 to unlock pro features, but it’s worth it. You can easily look up your favorite passwords from your wrist, while still knowing that everything is safely locked away via Touch ID or passcodes. It’s a real time saver while also a great security feature.

5. Spark (Free)
spark_680.jpgSpark is a great email client that works across your Mac, iPhone, and Apple Watch. Through your Apple Watch, you’ll be able to quickly triage your mail, and even send some simple messages back. In many cases, you’ll rarely need to check on a bigger screen, and its smart inbox feature means your most important emails are at the forefront.

6. Overcast (Free)
overcast_680.jpgOvercast is a great podcast player that should be essential for any iPhone owner. It’s also ideal for Apple Watch users. The app makes it easy to switch between different podcasts, look up new options, and easily adjust the speed of playback. In the main app, you can create custom playlists with smart filters, and adjust podcast priorities, too.

7. Dark Sky Weather ($3.99)
darksky_680.jpgThe best weather app out there, Dark Sky can tell you at a glance whether it’s about to rain or even snow. It doesn’t just give you a vague forecast. It’ll predict things up to an hour in advance. Alongside that is notifications for the coming week’s worth of weather, and information on current temperatures.

8. Camera Plus ($0.99)
cameraplus_680.jpgCamera Plus is a great photography app with a wealth of features. It gets even better with your Apple Watch. Through your smartwatch, you can capture photos, record videos, switch between the front and back camera of your iPhone, adjust timers and instantly preview a photo after taking it. It’s a great way of turning your Apple Watch into a remote.

9. ETA ($2.99)
eta_680.jpgETA is a travel assistant that gives you insight into how long a journey will take, whether you’re walking, driving or taking public transit. In each case, it’ll give you details on traffic as well as specific directions. You can set it up to various favorite destinations so you’ll always know how long things are going to take.

10. iTranslate (Free)
itranslate_680.jpgiTranslate makes it quick and easy to gain translations in over 90 languages. You can switch between different dialects, check the dictionary for synonyms and different meanings, as well as listen in male or female voices. The Apple Watch means you can simply speak into your wrist and gain an instant translation, speeding things up massively.

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