BuzzFeed Fact or Fiction: The Quiz Game
Welcome to Paste’s new quiz game, “BuzzFeed Fact or Fiction.” The rules are simple: In the list of ten headlines below, five are ripped straight from the pages of BuzzFeed, and five were conceived in the BuzzFeed of my mind. Your job is to decipher which five are real BuzzFeed stories, and which are total fakes.
After each headline, you will see two links: Fact and Fiction. If you click the correct answer, you will be greeted by the sweating, desperately grinning face of Tony Danza. If you’re wrong? GUY FIERI.
When you’re finished, feel free to post your score in the comments below. Let’s begin!
1. 22 Cats Who Are Pretty Much Over This Whole “Monday” Thing
2. 15 Ways to Amp Up Your Eyeliner Game
3. 26 AMAZING Insults to Use on Poor People in America
4. 15 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in Budapest
5. 34 Signs That You Can No Longer Achieve an Erection
6. 20 Ways to Psychologically Manipulate Your Spouse
7. 16 Reasons to be Proud of your Gap Teeth
8. 15 Adorable Baby Costumes from Alabama’s “Hitler Halloween Festival”
9. 15 Things Every Barista Knows to be True
10. 327 Suicides that were Laugh-Out-Loud Hilarious
How’d you do??