Watch The Rock Team Up With Siri to “Dominate the Day” in Apple Mini-Movie

Watch The Rock Team Up With Siri to “Dominate the Day” in Apple Mini-Movie

Somewhere between starring in every movie coming out over the next few years and gearing up to become America’s beefiest president (which is a reality TV show that absolutely should exist), Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson found time to shoot a mini-movie/commercial for Apple.

The basic premise is that Dwayne hears somebody on the news comment on how busy he is and couldn’t possibly do anymore. Naturally, Johnson sees this as a challenge and decides to achieve all of his life goals in one day.

To do this, he teams up with Siri to commit a series of crimes—including hijacking a commercial airliner—so he can quickly and efficiently make his dreams a reality. Sure, the sequel to this little film will just be two hours of The Rock weeping in his tiny cell as he pays for the many felonies he’s been convicted of, but until then, this charming advertisement is surely worth a watch.

According to The Rock, “Everything in life is made up of four elements: wind, fire, water, rock.” And when you think about it, is there anything these days that doesn’t somehow involve The Rock?

Check out the full clip above and remember that just because he’s strong and has a winning smile, that shouldn’t qualify him for the presidency.

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