Here’s How to Use the Two New iPad Multitasking Features in iOS 9

If you have an iPad, then you are in luck. With the iOS 9 public beta and the public release this fall, you’ll be able to take multitasking on the iPad to the next level.

Before iOS 9, multitasking on the iPad was a hassle. Users had to switch from app to app in order to get work done. Reading something in Safari and want to make notes? You needed to double tap on the Home button and then switch over the Notes app to jot them down.

Now, Apple has made it easier to do so with Split View and Slide Over.

Split View (available on iPad Air 2) lets you choose two different apps and lets you use them side by side at the same time. Slide Over (available on iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad Air, and iPad Air 2) is a little similar but it only lets you use one at a time. However, you can only use native Apple apps at this moment with both features.


To use Slide Over, swept from the right side of the iPad’s edge to the left. You’ll pull out another screen where you can start using Slide Over. To change the app you want to use, swipe down on the Slide Over screen and you can select another native Apple app to use. To close the screen, just swipe from left to right.

To use Split Screen, slide your finger from right to left like you would with Slide Over but go a little bit further and it’ll set the second app as full screen mode along with your first app. Now, you have fun access to both apps and can use them concurrently side by side.

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