The Five iPhone 6 Features We Want Most

In the months before a new iPhone is unveiled, speculation always reaches dizzying heights. We learned a lot about some of the new software updates we’ll be seeing in iOS 8 earlier this year at WWDC. However, there’s also been a host of rumors regarding the physical hardware of the forthcoming iPhone 6. As rumors swirl, guesswork becomes sport, and no prediction is too outrageous.

With the iPhone 6 slated for possible introduction this September, here’s what we hope to see in the newest generation.

1. Sapphire display

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Current iPhone screens are sleek, receptive and—regrettably—delicate. Cracks and breaks can be a matter of course for the careless user. At present, iPhone models use Gorilla Glass for the display, but there’s talk of Apple incorporating a sapphire veneer for the iPhone 6. The Home button currently uses sapphire, so if you want a preview of how durable the iPhone 6 might be like, take a knife to it. If this video that’s currently making the rounds is accurate, scratched screens may soon become a relic.

2. Both a 4.7” option and a 5.5” option


There’s chatter that the next iPhone may be a bigger product than its predecessor—quite literally. As of now, rumors point toward two versions: a 4.7-inch model and a 5.5-inch model. We’d love to see both of these products come out as it would silence critics who bemoan the iPhone as a too-small device and allow Apple to do battle with big-screen competitors. It would also be a welcome option for those of us with clumsy fingers, or who often watch movies in the palms of our hands.

3. Color options


From iMacs to iPods, Apple has always been keen on letting customers imbue gadgets with their favorite color. It’s curious, then, that Apple’s flagship product has deviated from the norm. The 5s included a gold, silver, and white option, which was a nice step in the right direction. Here’s to hoping that the iPhone 6 comes in a range of hues, allowing owners to augment their style without having to purchase a colorful case.

4. Longer battery life


Smartphone capabilities have grown exponentially since 2007, but battery lifespan has remained relatively static, increasing only by small steps with each generation. A battery with a significant longevity boost would be a luxury for iPhone users—no longer would you need to cut short Netflix streaming to save juice for a phone call. Current rumors put the iPhone 6 battery life increase somewhere around 15 percent, which is a nice upgrade, but still can’t compete with the LG G3, or some of the other Android powerhouses.

5. Higher megapixel camera


The iPhone camera has happily replaced the bulky point-and-shoot for nearly everyone, save professional photographers. In particular, iPhone cameras have always been known for their incredible image processing, which somehow makes their lower-end specs look like the best in class. But there’s always room for improvement. The 5s currently has an eight megapixel capability, but there’s whispers of Apple incorporating Sony tech that would boost the 6’s camera up to 13 megapixels. Put together with Apple’s proprietary software and you’ve got a camera that no other phone can compete with.

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