Kickstarter Weekly: Keep Your Kids Hydrated with Gululu, Make Your Air Conditioner Smart with Nature Remo and More

Kickstarter Weekly: Keep Your Kids Hydrated with Gululu, Make Your Air Conditioner Smart with Nature Remo and More

Feeling the urge to pledge some money towards a promising Kickstarter campaign? We’ve rounded up five cool new technology projects that look like they could enrich your life in various different ways. Whether it’s through making your driving safer, your cycling smarter or simply by encouraging your kids to keep hydrated, there’s a cool gadget available.

iSCOUT Heads-Up Display
iscout.jpgiSCOUT is a device that attaches to your dashboard, providing you with a Heads-Up Display with all kinds of important information relating to your driving. It’ll inform you of your current speed and fuel level, while also offering you GPS navigation. In addition to that, syncing to your smartphone means incoming call alerts, messages and other reminders and notifications. A premium version comes with a blind-spot camera too. The basic version is available for a pledge of $269, while the blind-spot camera premium edition is $299. The campaign ends June 27.

sinapsi.jpgWant a jacket that will always keep you warm? Sinapsi is a heated jacket that’s controlled via your smartphone. You can easily turn it on, increasing the heat within your jacket, or you can create a schedule, being warmed up automatically at appropriate times through the day. The latter is ideal for when you don’t want to expose your hands to the elements. A pledge of €160 (about $178) will get you one of these, with the campaign ending June 28.

Nature Remo
natureremo.pngNature Remo is a simple way to turn any air conditioner into a smart unit. The gadget makes it possible to remotely turn on the AC via your smartphone, schedule different temperatures for different times of day, and even switch off automatically when there’s no one around. It takes moments to install, working via infrared commands and wi-fi, ensuring there’s minimal hassle. Later versions are set to work with AC units that don’t have remote controls. A pledge of $49 gets you one Nature Remo device, and the campaign ends June 22.

gululu.jpgIt’s frequently tough to encourage your kids to drink plenty of water and keep hydrated. All too easily, kids get busy and completely forget how important it is to drink. The Gululu interactive bottle aims to encourage them to develop healthy habits, by offering virtual pets for those who drink regularly. The colorful water bottle offers rewards in the form of a virtual pet that grows and finds new things to explore, all thanks to your child drinking from the bottle. It’s sure to entice them into healthier living. A pledge of $89 gets you one of these, with a choice of color schemes. The campaign ends July 8.

Solos Smart Cycling Glasses
solos.gifCyclists can enjoy a Heads-Up Display just as easily as car drivers, thanks to Solos. These stylish cycling glasses will protect your eyes from glare, while also offering information on the speed, distance, and cadence of your cycle. Alongside that is health insight such as your heart rate and calories burned, ensuring you know exactly what’s going on. A pledge of $350 gets you one pair, with the campaign finishing July 12.

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