Microsoft Shows Off Windows Mobile Experience for Connected Cars

Microsoft revealed its latest prototype in Windows technology for the automotive industry, “Windows in the Car,” in a demo at last week’s Build conference.
“[It’s] more of a concept, but a concept that we can work very very seriously on so that we can bring the world the IVI (in-vehicle infotainment) and a broadened Windows device together,” Steve Teixeira, a developer for Microsoft, said during the demo of the technology.
The infotainment system is still in its beta stages, but aims to keep Windows’ smartphone and tablet devices connected and safely usable in the car. The interface, as shown in the video above, shows the latest Microsoft interface and design elements: The main screen acts as the homepage, showing things the driver needs to know like the speed limit or an upcoming school zone. It also shows customizable Tiles that allow quick access to the driver’s most used apps, phone, text, music, maps and climate control.
According to, Microsoft says they’re focusing on four main points: reducing the “cognitive load,” or the requirement to think about what you’re doing; glanceability, or minimizing the “eye time” on the screen beyond 2 seconds; trying to minimize the effects of different screen sizes; and getting rid of tiny virtual buttons.
It’s too early to put much speculation to it, but it gives a base impression of what Microsoft is doing in its expansion to the automotive industry.