Paste Seeks Assistant Tech Editor is seeking an Assistant Tech Editor. The position is part-time (approximately 1.25 hours each weekday), freelance and remote.
Assistant Tech Editor
Pay: $300/month
Requirements: An expert knowledge of and interest in technology from flagship smartphones to tech startups to space travel. The ability to be funny, to write conversationally, to edit for style and grammar, and to generate good ideas for Tech features and lists. You must have a thorough understanding of technical configurations and the ability translate it in a way that anyone can understand. You’re as interested in the next game-changing technological breakthrough as you are about an obscure rumor for the next iPhone. You must be a fast and thorough editor, as you will be working through a lot of copy. Familiarity with basic CMS preferred (we use Moveable Type).
Job Description: Each month, to help assign and edit lists, reviews, features, galleries, short blog posts and news items to our stable of freelance writers.
Note: Any writing the Assistant Tech Editor does will be paid on a per-piece base in addition to the monthly editor’s stipend.
If you’d like to apply for this position, send a resume, links to writing samples and a cover letter to [email protected], along with answers to the following questions:
1. What are 3-5 essays or lists you’d like to write or assign for the section?
2. What are some of the pros and cons of both iOS and Android?