Klove Knob Is a Small, Inexpensive Kitchen Gadget That Acts As Your Very Own Digital Cooking Assistant

Klove Knob Is a Small, Inexpensive Kitchen Gadget That Acts As Your Very Own Digital Cooking Assistant

There’s a growing trend of smart cooking appliances taking over our kitchens, but too many of them require purchasing a brand new stove or other major appliance. Klove Knob is a new gadget that aims to revolutionize your cooking, without requiring you to purchase anything more than a simple knob.

The stove knob can be retro fitted to any modern stove, immediately providing you with voice-assisted interactive recipes, and some very useful safety features. Working as an intelligent conversational cooking timer, you can tweak it to check the cooking time based on the vessel you’re using, as well as the quantity of ingredients involved. It’ll even learn your preferences and patterns over time.

Basically, it’s the kind of simple gadget that hopes to soon make you wonder how you managed to live without it. Are you the kind of cook that’s great at being distracted at a pivotal moment? That’s who Klove Knob is aimed at. Not just working as a safety aid, it’ll also provide you with hundreds of easy to follow recipes that you simply listen to and follow the actions, all through its smartphone app. Plus, through a geofencing feature, it’ll even remind you to switch the stove off before you leave the house.

Installation is simple, merely requiring you to remove your existing knob, fixing a spindle adapter onto your stove, and slotting the Klove Knob on, meaning you’ll be ready to go in no time. We talked to Bahubali Shete, CEO and CTO, to find out more.

”[The idea came about] one fine morning when Asha (my wife) asked me to watch the milk [to keep it from] boiling,” Shete says. “I nodded and continued to do what I was doing. Forgot about it.” After a few minutes, a messy stove and a disgruntled Asha, Shete considered if there was something more technological he could use to stop such things from occurring and the idea for Klove Knob was born.

With a name stemming from Kitchen Love, it’s clear a lot of attention has been placed on making it as simple to use as possible. Easily connected via Bluetooth, the Knob automatically updates and only needs a change of battery about every 30 months. It also works alongside Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, further adding to its flexibility.

Shete has big plans for the company, too. As a Connected Cooking platform, Klove has multiple partnerships. “Currently we are partnered with Nestle, BetterButter and RecipeBook in India. We will soon be adding more partners as well as plugin for more open recipe databases,” explained Shete.

A number of other products are also in the planning and development stage, such as a temperature probe, smart scale and Hub. The firm has already enjoyed success on Indiegogo with Gecko, a gadget that added gesture controls to your smartphone.

That made it a logical step for Shete to market Klove Knob on the crowdfunding site. “We had a past history of successful campaign on Indiegogo,” he says, “And we know Indiegogo people directly who are willing to support us by giving the necessary push for the campaign. We were unsure of such support from other platforms.”

So far, it’s been a wise move with the Knob reaching more than 20% of its goal with a month left to run. That’s no doubt helped by the fact that only a relatively low pledge is required to get one. $29 plus shipping gives you one Klove Knob at an early bird price, with that steadily rising to $39. For a potentially huge change in the kitchen, that’s a pretty easy decision to make.

It’ll be interesting to see if this and other inexpensive gadgets spark a wave of more budget priced kitchen gadgets that could revolutionize being able to safely step away from the stove.

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