Say Hello to Snapchat’s World Lenses, 3D Filters For Your Stories

Say Hello to Snapchat’s World Lenses, 3D Filters For Your Stories

It’s hard to remember a world before Snapchat introduced Lenses and Filters to the world. After all, nearly everything the young, innovative company does is endlessly copied by Facebook and Instagram, but that hasn’t stopped Snapchat from continuing to up its game.

Yesterday, Snapchat introduced the world to its World Lenses, now available for its social media app.

The World Lenses are similar in concept to any Face Lenses in Snapchat, though the result is even more interesting. You can now throw these 3D stickers and words right into your Snapchat Stories—and are a lot cooler than they sound.

To use them, first make sure your app has been updated to the newest version. Once you have the app opened up, switch to the rear-facing camera by tapping the icon on the top right (or just double-tapping the screen). Just tap the screen again and let the app grid the area in the same way Face Lenses work. You’ll have to swipe through to find the few World Lenses currently available, but once you do, you can resize and move it the frame like you would a sticker.

The 3D filters in the video above show your typical “OMG” and “CUTE” fare, though Snapchat says it’ll be updating the filters daily.

Faces Lenses was a simple idea that took world by storm when it was first announced. It’s take on augmented reality is pure, silly fun, but for many people it was their first experience with the technology. World Lenses look to be no different, though as Snapchat adds more and more filters, the possibilities seem endless.

Now all we have to do is wait for Facebook and Instagram to announce its copycat features in a couple of months.

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