This Bedside Rug Doubles As Your Alarm Clock

By their very nature, alarm clocks jolt you out of your sleep and force you to make your first move of the day. For most people that means hitting the snooze button and pulling the covers over their head.

But what if you couldn’t just smack a button, roll over and ignore the impending day? What if you had to physically stand up and even move across the room to hit the snooze button?

Ruggie is the answer to those what ifs. The Ruggie is a pressure sensitive bedside rug that requires the user to stand on its warm, fuzzy surface for at least 3 seconds before it will turn off. The device, which is made up of slow-rebounding memory foam and finished with felt, is fitted with a USB port and LED display.

Users configure their alarm by using the device’s USB port to connect to a computer. While connected, they can customize the alarm to play their favorite songs, daily goal reminders, or positive affirmations and daily motivational recordings. The LED display serves a nightlight for those late night trips to the bathroom. Users simply touch the rug to activate it. As an added plus the LED display turns off automatically after 20 seconds, so you avoid any sleep disturbances.

The cozy clock requires three AA batteries that will reportedly last up to one year of use, assuming you aren’t still willing to stand up and snooze your device several times.

The rug alarm was created and kickstarted by Winston Tam, who spent eight months working with developers on the Ruggie prototype. Tam’s experience with the crowd-funding platform stretched back to 2014 after having successfully funded odor resistant and temperature regulating all-season sweatpants.

You can check out the Ruggie pitch video and get your hands on one of these day-changing clocks through the project’s Kickstarter page.

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