Feed Your Feed!: 12 Food-Related Twitter Accounts to Follow

Let’s face it: it’s a big, big Twitter-verse out there, filled with all the best and worst humanity has to offer. For many, the little blue bird and the service it represents are just further proof of the perversity of human nature—yes, even when restrained to 140 characters or less, people can be somehow spew novel’s worth of ignorance and pettiness. Yet amidst the cacophony and confusion, there persists plenty to love. Whether you’re a black belt-toting Twitter master, a dabbler in the social media substrate, or a neophyte looking for someone (or something) to follow, here are a few feeds of note for the food lovers out there.

1. Chefs Feed – chefsfeed
Twitter Bio: The Webby Award winning chef-powered restaurant guide powered by 1,000 incredible chefs.
Followers: 38.9K
Need for Feed: Unlike many feeds, which are offshoots of popular blogs, Chefs Feed is the Twitter manifestation of a popular app. Actual recipe offerings are rare—instead, this is a feed best used as a constant source of dish and restaurant ideas for the traveling gourmand (or for one looking for new places in one’s hometown), as well as a means to “food stalk” popular chefs.

2. Lexies Kitchen – @lexieskitchen
Twitter Bio: Blogger.
Followers: 1,432
Need for Feed: A great resource for the gluten-averse. Lexie Croft began the blog from which this feed is derived in 2010, detailing her efforts to nutritionally overhaul and heal her youngest son. A cookbook and many blog posts later, her son is doing great, and her Twitter account provides a steady but not overwhelming stream of recipes for “tasty treats and eats made free of gluten, dairy, eggs and lots of other stuff.”

3. Mark Bittman – @bittman
Twitter Bio: Writer on food for New York Times; author of How to Cook Everything.
Followers: 410K
Need for Feed: Though Bittman is probably best known for his book, How to Cook Everything, his tweets more often focus on big-picture issues at play in the production of our food and efforts to improve the health, or at least the eating habits, of our nation.

4. Foodimentary – @Foodimentary
Twitter Bio: Guaranteed to pepper your day with fun food facts! Impress others with your food knowledge!
Followers: 846K
Need for Feed: A feed that lives up to its bio, @Foodimentary consolidates a host of related feeds (@Itsfoodimentary, @foodimentary101, @teaimentary, @fruitamentary, etc.) into one profusely gushing stream of food facts. Let founder John-Bryan Hopkins’ labor of love be your gain.

5. NY Times Dining & Wine – @nytdining
Twitter Bio: All The New York Times food and wine tweets that are fit to savor: restaurant reviews, food news and more from the reporters and editors of our Dining desk.
Followers: 416K
Need for Feed: Reviews, recipes and more from a long-trusted source for Foodies of all stripes.

6. NPR Food – @NPRFood
Twitter Bio: The Twitter home of NPR’s James Beard Award winning food blog, The Salt, plus links to all of NPR’s other food coverage.
Followers: 29.8K
Need for Feed: Why rely on chance, circumstance and drive times to ensure you catch food-related stories on NPR when you can just follow this outgrowth of NPR’s food blog and coverage?

7. America’s TetKitchen – @TestKitchen
Twitter Bio: The official Twitter account for America’s Test Kitchen, Cook’s Illustrated and Cook’s Country. Our mission: to develop foolproof recipes that work every time.
Followers: 56.8K
Need for Feed: Sure, they had me at “bacon,” but just take a look at that mission statement in the above bio. Following this feed for a month will likely yield more recipes than you can use in a year. Also, bacon.

8. Tasty Kitchen – @tastykitchen
Twitter Bio: Favorite Recipes from Real Kitchens Everywhere!
Followers: 15.8K
Need for Feed: A spin-off of Ree Drummond’s immensely popular blog, The Pioneer Woman, the Tasty Kitchen blog from which this feed springs is a great community-based gathering place at which personal recipes are reviewed, rated and shared. All that crowd-sourcing reduces down to a nice, pure selection of recipes to enjoy.

9. Cybele May – @candyblog
Twitter Bio: Yes, it’s all about candy when I’m not whale watching, playing with my dog or writing novels.
Followers: 5,164
Need for Feed: The author really loves candy. Do you really love candy? Really? Get to followin’, then.

10. Serious Eats – @seriouseats
Twitter Bio: Serious Eats: Passionate, Discerning, Inclusive. A site focused on celebrating and sharing food enthusiasm through blogs and online community.
Followers: 231K
Need for Feed: Serious Eats isn’t just serious, it’s expansive. Just a few day’s sampling of tweets ranges in topic from cocktail syrups to vegan mac-‘n’-cheese, from potluck etiquette to New York noodle bar options, from a recipe for Pillsbury Chinese Takeout Turnovers to “everything you need to know about the Korean staple condiment, ssämjang.”

11. Food52 – @food52
Twitter Bio: Helping people become better, smarter, happier cooks. Founded by @amandahesser and @merrillstubbs.
Followers: 94.3K
Need for Feed: Another distillation feed from a popular all-things-food blog, @feed52 is a great source for recipes and food columns.

12. Foodista – @foodista
Twitter Bio: The recipe, cooking, and food news source. Founders of the International Food Blogger Conference (@IFBC).
Followers: 417K
Need for Feed: The website from which this feed springs is a structured Wiki, relying on both registered community members and anonymous contributors for its recipes. (Its slogan is “The Cooking Encyclopedia Everyone Can Edit.”) For a follower on Twitter, that means an active feed of recipes (including frequent lists of multiple variants on one dish), food news and food-related lists.

There you have it—a tasting of good Twitter feeds for food lovers. How about you, Paste readers … what are some of your favorite food-related feeds?

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