Michael Moore Wants to Take Down Trump With a Broadway Play

"Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president?"

Michael Moore Wants to Take Down Trump With a Broadway Play

Donald Trump has been in office for a little more than 100 days, and it’s still hard to comprehend that the Circus Peanut who got to fire celebrities on NBC is steering the boat for the next four years. Yikes. Well, that’s not a reality that many of us want to live in, and if Michael Moore has anything to do with it, we won’t have to much longer! Wait … Michael Moore?

Yeah, the equally rage-driven filmmaker/documentarian is taking his talents to Broadway to topple Trump right out of the White House with a 12-week production titled The Terms of My Surrender, directed by Tony-winner Michael Mayer. It’s a pretty innovative idea, and sure, it’d be cool if a round of jazz hands could really stick it to Trump. But does it have to be Michael Moore?

Moore explained during a press conference Monday (via THR):

I’m in a “take no prisoners” mode. We’ve seen newspapers take down presidents, TV shows bring down CEOs, books have taken down the powerful—art forms have contributed to making things better. … Why don’t we see if every night—and twice in the afternoon for 12 weeks—if a piece of theater could raise enough of a ruckus to discombobulate a man sitting in the Oval Office? I don’t know, but I’d like to find out. Hey, stranger things have happened in the last year.

Previews begin for The Terms of My Surrender on July 28 at the Belasco Theatre before opening night on Aug. 10, which will feature 90-minute, unique shows that feature Moore’s commentary on the news of the day. So it could really be about anything. Ironically, the theater’s presidential box will be reserved for Donald Trump and his family. “Every night, it will be empty until he sits there. I hope he comes to see it, or his family, or the vice president—we won’t boo him!” Moore said.

Anyway, while we’re not exactly thrilled that Michael Moore is the fearless warrior that’s been thrust upon us, at least someone’s trying something new. And who knows, maybe it’ll work. And we’ll have Michael Moore to thank.

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