Paste Travel Essay Contest

Paste Travel encourages writers to participate in its biweekly essay contest. Winning pieces will be published and winning authors will receive $50.

Every two weeks (starting today, March 24) the lines open for a new contest. Submission lines close for that biweekly competition one week later (for this week, midnight March 31). The winning essay will be published the following Tuesday (April 7, for this contest), at which time the process begins again for the following two-week period.

We salute creativity, challenge entrants to take chances and promote freedom of expression. By all means, take your writer’s voice for a ride and see where it takes you. The hope here is that this contest will encourage participants to share their singular travel moments with the rest of us on this grand, one-way excursion called life.


-Essay subject matter must be travel in nature.
-Stories must be nonfiction.
-Pieces cannot exceed 500 words in length … no exceptions.
-Paste freelancers and employees are not eligible to participate.
-Submissions must be original works that have not been previously published.

Please submit your essay to [email protected]. Though 500 words may seem short, the length is ample for pieces to be thoughtful and economically poetic … and worthy of a crown.

We look forward to reading about your adventures and wish you the best of luck with the contest.

The Editors

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